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A Simple Handicap Formula

Wed, Apr 1 2015 8:40 AM (98 replies)
  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 10:38 AM

    Thanks to cobaltm  for his guidance for this formula.


    The formula for the handicaps is based on 60 being the entry to Tour Legend tier, that is the scratch score.  Any calculated par average above or below that will be plus or minus. The minus one (below) is because nobody ever gets an exact average (I am reliably informed). Any number above or below decimal .5 should be rounded up or down to a whole number.  Eg; 66.333 = 66

    Example 1                                       

                                                                         Scratch = 60                                                             

    Players average over 5 matches = 67 - minus1= 66  

                                                                        Handicap    -6 


    Example 2     

                                                               Scratch = 60                                                             

    Players average over 5 matches = 59 -1  =58

                                                   Handicap              +2

    The handicaps are calculated from the last five18 hole, stroke play club tournaments, (excluding par 5 holes and par 3 holes t/ments).


                                                                                 Scr             Handicap 

    Dubfore             350 Div. by  5 =70  -1 = 69   (60)                   -9                                        


  • genegold2
    1,302 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 11:27 AM

    It is easy to figure, but when used with different levels of players does it give results of all playing on  a level basis. Also, since each course has different stats and different people can play them good or bad each time they play, how does the handicaps work out. also since most here play 9 holes mostly, and the front is usually easier to play than the back 9 what does that do to the handicap. A handicap is to make all players equal on all courses if you shoot close to your average.

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 2:19 PM

    As someone once said to me recently, KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid.  

    I stopped reading when I got  to   ".....and the front is usually easier to play ..."  I  do sometimes think some people are on here for only a laugh.

    I was told it works for all tier/skill levels based on that formula, I've no reason to believe it doesn't and I 'm going to try it.  I made a small error which has been corrected.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 2:40 AM

    Players average over 5 matches = 67 - minus1= 66  

    The handicaps are calculated from the last five18 hole, stroke play club tournaments,

    Please allow for a few questions:

    How to obtain a score from matches which typically end "1 up" or 4 and 3" and must not be mixed up with strokeplay due to concedes etc.?

    What's the relevance of five games over 3 or 10 or 20?

    Why only CC games, why only 18 holers?

    Which relevance has this subject for you since you announced to be leaving WGT within a week?

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 3:20 AM

    5 and 18 are just random numbers for a trial period that was planned. 

    No relevance at all, detective.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 7:34 AM

    in theory, handicap systems are pretty but in this game a handicap system is just a bagger's wet dream, especially if prizes of any sorts are on offer.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 7:57 AM


    in theory, handicap systems are pretty but in this game a handicap system is just a bagger's wet dream, especially if prizes of any sorts are on offer.

    Not necessarily in a CC atmosphere. If you have that kind of player in your clubhouse, something's wrong with the owner. 

    @Dub-It looks good for what you have planned. I do know it works for Cosa Nostra but we're a small, tight group of less than 50, all TLs and Legends. The recent change to using the current recent rounds really helped, too.  GL with yours. LOL@KISS.  ;-)

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 8:44 AM

    The formula for the handicaps is based on 60 being the entry to Tour Legend tier, that is the scratch score.

    Pretty good idea ... the one issue I can see is this part of the formula:


    Players average over 5 matches = 67 - minus1= 66  

                                                                        Handicap    -6 


    Players average over 5 matches = 59 -1  =58


                                                   Handicap              +2

    The -1 seems to reward the lower handicap players.  How about using a straight percentage instead (say 96% like the USGA's GHIN system).  

         So 67 * 96% = 64.3 (or a -4.3) and

         59 * 96% = 56.64 (or +3.3).  

    Using a fixed number on the handicap rewards the lower "handicaps".  It would be nice if you could take the last 20 scores posted and use the best 10 to determine the average.  That would give you a more accurate representation.

    Got a website?  Have your CC members record their scores!

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 4:06 PM

    Not necessarily in a CC atmosphere.. would work best in a c.c atmosphere.


  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 5:26 PM

    Thanks for that DaddyKat, the more accurate the better.
