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Nike V forged Irons

Tue, Feb 27 2018 6:05 AM (28 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 12:17 PM

      if the other people in this forum wanted to take a chance on getting responses from you .  like you do trying to discredit me .They would speakup and tell you to STFU ..

    Then don't ask if you don't want an honest answer. The part of the quote you chose to ignore.......



     the new and  unfamiliar visitors to this forum

    or  as a mockery  to perhaps the innocent and vulnerale (sic)newbie . Appearing to ridicule leave him feeling insulted and berated ?

      Am I blind to think that i am portraying this message ?

    And do something about the meds, your grammar and spelling are a mess, bordering on illiterate.

    188 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 1:04 PM

    A combined total of 41,101 post between the two of you on this forum and you are still at each other.

    Sad. I stand by my post.

    Cheers to you both.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 2:26 PM

    First of all I didn't ask you.

    You didn't specify, you just asked.

    Secondly after you edited it and rewrote my quotes to be certain that they were taken out of context

    I did not rewrite anything, those are your exact words.

    Not that something of that serious connotations would bother you or phase you in the least.

    You said that right. Blunt and to the point. Always been that way, always will. Don't ask if you don't want to know.


    p.s., Much better syntax and  I didn't have to insinuate anything, the writing exposed the annoyance. Andyson (God rest his soul) had your number a long time ago and I agreed with him. :-)


    @Psutom.  It's fun jerking this clown's chain, he always responds.  :-D

    188 Posts
    Tue, Feb 27 2018 12:46 AM


    @Psutom.  It's fun jerking this clown's chain, he always responds.  :-D

    If done in jest, fine. Otherwise a troll, I'd like to think you are the former.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Feb 27 2018 6:05 AM

    Playtime's over, World Cup started, better things to do.