I've read that you need a calculator to play this game, well I don't use one. I've read that you need shot-pal and putter-pal but I don't use them either.
The other day someone said that the most important thing was to know when to pitch and when to chip, well I never use either shot.
Oh, and it's a golden rule to dial in all of your clubs. I've never bothered.
It is likely there are new players who will resonate with your "unencumbered" methods courteney. Your stats indicate an outstanding short game. I for one am interested in what you use other than pitch or chip, and how do you set the power of your shots without a guide.
Please pick the shot under question or any shot you wish and describe your methods that give such excellent results.
And help new players who don't feel right using a calculator or shot pal in the game.