Here's the same shot using starter clubs and unlimited ball on Standard green speeds.
The longest flop shot available is 24 yards, too short for this 31 yd shot from 20-25 rough. So a couple of choices are a choked down full 50yd starter wedge or a full Starter PW pitch shot.
This works, a Full shot with a 50yd Starter Lob Wedge at 70% power full back spin
This works too, a Pitch shot with a starter PW at 97% power full back spin.
As you can see on the replay the Pitch shot lands short of the green then bounces once on the fringe before rolling out just past the hole. A lot of things can happen landing on the fairway and fringe, many of them unpredictable and bad.
If possible, take those out of the equation and try and land on the green for a more predictable shot. The choked down full shot would be the choice in this case as it does land on the green.
Edit: A punch shot is also an option. The starter Lob wedge punches at 42 yards so...
It works too. A Punch shot with starter Lob Wedge at 80% power full back spin.
It looks almost identical to the full shot replay, landing on the green and rolling out. A punch shot is something to consider in high cross wind situations as the punch is not affected by wind as much as a full shot is affected.