Sigh... seeing as how I have left 3-4 putts short in the past two days, I might have to start joining the choir here. We are talking about putts, which were 4-10 ft in length, that I hit with enough power to make them go 1-1.5 ft past the hole.
Yes, I know how to account for the different green speeds and elevation.
Yes, I know that I need to move the cursor around and see the elevation after the hole and how far behind the hole it ticks over to a new foot (e.g. does the cursor turn over to "14 ft" once inch past the hole or ten inches past the hole on a 13-ft putt?)
I've had multiple putts come up short, and I honestly couldn't tell you why they did. The latest was on BPB #1 in the Full 18 RG that I just completed. I think it was about 8 ft and 1-inch uphill, which is a putt that I would've hit with 8 ft of power even though 7.1 ft should roughly be distance required to just barely get in the hole.
I've also noticed that if you go 20 ft past the hole with your approach on BPB 16, when the hole is in the back right position, that if you hit it the correct amount of power, it goes too far by 4-5 ft. It's an easy putt.. maybe 20-22 ft downhill 2 inches, but boy does it take off running for some reason.