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Tue, Jun 21 2011 6:02 PM (51 replies)
  • Tigerwids
    238 Posts
    Fri, Sep 24 2010 6:47 AM

    Thank`s a million for ruinning what was a fun and pleasent game to play. New green speeds have just killed this game no more cash from me WGT.

  • jonybshanker
    5 Posts
    Fri, Sep 24 2010 10:43 AM
    hey players;If you are going to keep putting money into this already(and getting worse) pathetic site,sleep with your shorts on backwards,u will get screwed,gauranteed.They just made a so called "improvement" to make things more fair and even things up.Well,i hate to be the bearer of bad news folks,they really screwed things up good this time. IE; If you are lower than tour master you will putt on very fast greens,but,if you join a group with a higher tier player(tour master or legend) in the group,you will be forced to putt on tourny speed(very inconsistant) greens.In my opinion,thats just giving an advantage to the already better player..if thats evening things up and making things more fair,well,i guess it's time for a head-read.And,if you pay money putt money into this money grabbing outfit to play tournys,if the greeen speed and inconsistancy dosen't get you.the meter stutter will. I'm not sure how many Rocket Scientist Technicians they have sitting around,fixing stuff that ain't broke and adding "down the drain" awards,you'd almost think there would be one in the group smart enuff to find a sollution to the alarming growing number of problems that plague the players.I have 'Stopped" putting money into this site until they start spending some of theirs to switch to a graphic engine,make this a program you have to download that will run of your hard-drive instead of this flash BS,,and POOOF,solve an already to long list of growing concern to the players...i suggest you do the same.
  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Fri, Sep 24 2010 10:48 AM

    Had to chime in here.

    Yes the tourny spped felt very inconsistent for a while. I now have a good feel for it though. I'm confident enough with it to put those 100+ footers on STA to within 6 feet. (not saying I always make that 6 footer though! lol)

    You have to consider the wind in heavy winds.

    You have to be aggressive on uphill putts.

    You have to be aggressive on flat putts under 12 feet.

    Each course plays a little differently as far as speed. (I find you don't have to be as aggressive on uphill putts at Oakmont for example - except for #2)

    and the #1 thing....

    You have to consider the ratio of the slope to the length of the putt, and not just add/subtract the elevation to/from the length. You'll get it close hitting 75% - but you'll have a lot of WTF? moments if you don't have a feel for the slope (hitting up hill at Oakmont #2 or BPB #15 for example - have to really power those up) This is especially true at StAndrews when you factor in the wind.

    It's feel, and practice.

    I struggle with the break a lot, but the speed is fine - and consistent.





  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Fri, Sep 24 2010 2:38 PM

    The matter of inconsistency of the tournament greens is such. Each course has slightly different speeds. It's not so much inconsistency as it is that. Some courses have slightly faster greens and some like St. Andrews have slightly slower. But it is like that in real life. No course no matter how well maintained has the same exact greens speed every day. So the inconsistency that we face on here is just like in real life.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Mon, Sep 27 2010 7:07 PM

    Sigh... seeing as how I have left 3-4 putts short in the past two days, I might have to start joining the choir here.  We are talking about putts, which were 4-10 ft in length, that I hit with enough power to make them go 1-1.5 ft past the hole.

    Yes, I know how to account for the different green speeds and elevation.

    Yes, I know that I need to move the cursor around and see the elevation after the hole and how far behind the hole it ticks over to a new foot (e.g. does the cursor turn over to "14 ft" once inch past the hole or ten inches past the hole on a 13-ft putt?)

    I've had multiple putts come up short, and I honestly couldn't tell you why they did.  The latest was on BPB #1 in the Full 18 RG that I just completed.  I think it was about 8 ft and 1-inch uphill, which is a putt that I would've hit with 8 ft of power even though 7.1 ft should roughly be distance required to just barely get in the hole.


    I've also noticed that if you go 20 ft past the hole with your approach on BPB 16, when the hole is in the back right position, that if you hit it the correct amount of power, it goes too far by 4-5 ft.  It's an easy putt.. maybe 20-22 ft downhill 2 inches, but boy does it take off running for some reason.

  • pastoryusuk
    1 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 1:47 PM

    Have they fixed this bug yet?  Cause the tournament greens are driving me crazy.  Same hole, same spot, a completely different shot needed from day to day.  It's nuts.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 10:14 PM


    Have they fixed this bug yet?  Cause the tournament greens are driving me crazy.  Same hole, same spot, a completely different shot needed from day to day.  It's nuts.


    Just like real golf then. Can I suggest a few practise holes before an important match?


  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 2:20 AM

    for example the amount of times ive putted an 10 ft putt etc a couple of feet harder on a flat putting surface and they pull up a couple of inches from the hole it aint possible. not sure ille be spending money here anymore 

    68 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 9:30 AM

    No you are not the only one believes that

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 12:26 PM


    Have they fixed this bug yet?  Cause the tournament greens are driving me crazy.  Same hole, same spot, a completely different shot needed from day to day.  It's nuts.

    Putting on Congressional is totally ridiculous. I tried 5 times today to complete a round and quit each time in disgust.

    This game does not have the "realism" it's advertised to have.

    I doubt that any of the professional golfers in the US Open this weekend will shoot a 59 on Congressional, or any other Open course.