If I wanted to 5 putt from less then 5 ft, I would spend the $$$ and go real golfing. I dont know these people that were listed above, nor do I care how good they are. Evidently there is something wrong with putting or there wouldnt be 3 pages of replies.
Replies of "Practice" dont cut it. Sucked on Tiger Woods, sucks on this. Having a caddy would be appropriate as since there loves to be comparisons to real golf, professionals have their caddies as well. We are not professionals here, thus having the tip would be a good idea.
Another thing I have a beef I have is why I set the target to the right of the hole and immediately after hitting the ball it shoots far left of the hole. Using EZ Swing, there is no slice/hook indicator, just a nice perfect hit....or so is thought. When one aims some 5'+ to one side and have the ball being hit some 10' to the opposite immediately off the putter (no it wasnt breaks or anything on the green) then something is vastly wrong.