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Putting, putting, putting...

Sat, Jan 12 2013 9:29 PM (67 replies)
  • Kinjiro
    2 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2011 2:08 PM

    If I wanted to 5 putt from less then 5 ft, I would spend the $$$ and go real golfing. I dont know these people that were listed above, nor do I care how good they are. Evidently there is something wrong with putting or there wouldnt be 3 pages of replies.


    Replies of "Practice" dont cut it. Sucked on Tiger Woods, sucks on this. Having a caddy would be appropriate as since there loves to be comparisons to real golf, professionals have their caddies as well. We are not professionals here, thus having the tip would be a good idea.


    Another thing I have a beef I have is why I set the target to the right of the hole and immediately after hitting the ball it shoots far left of the hole. Using EZ Swing, there is no slice/hook indicator, just a nice perfect hit....or so is thought. When one aims some 5'+ to one side and have the ball being hit some 10' to the opposite immediately off the putter (no it wasnt breaks or anything on the green) then something is vastly wrong.

  • MickAnderson
    105 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2011 5:24 PM

    I agree that it should be difficult and challenging.  I do think that the difficulty in putting though is far more severe than other aspects of the game.  I think I'd like it if driving, approaching, chipping etc were just a little tougher, and putting not quite so difficult.  I think that would make it a bit more realistic.  The margin for error on putting is zero.


  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2011 5:48 PM


     Crazy is thinking about your consecutive day streak when your fu^%ing a hot chick, 

    LMAO!!!    And that my friend is the secret to lasting longer.


    Best response thus far!



  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 6:24 AM

    Another thing I have a beef I have is why I set the target to the right of the hole and immediately after hitting the ball it shoots far left of the hole. Using EZ Swing, there is no slice/hook indicator, just a nice perfect hit....or so is thought. When one aims some 5'+ to one side and have the ball being hit some 10' to the opposite immediately off the putter (no it wasnt breaks or anything on the green) then something is vastly wrong.

    There we go, this is your problem. The EZ swing clubs are the least accurate available. Ditch them straight away and use something else. Anything else but the EZ swing clubs

  • Bradwiz
    65 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 7:26 AM

      No question the putting is difficult, I've been here about four months, and in the beginning I couldn't putt worth a crap. After practice, you start to get an idea of where to hit the ball on the green, and start to make some putts. The bottom line is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. and stop using the ez-swing putter.

  • r8drfan
    1 Posts
    Sat, Jul 23 2011 4:02 PM

    I agree putting and chipping takes fun out of this game!!

  • Dianne81
    773 Posts
    Sat, Jul 23 2011 7:06 PM

    Here is some putting tips I posted

    and here are some pitching and chipping tips

    Practice it , and your 3 putts will become a thing of the past , you will also learn to get up and down most everytime

  • Bristoluk
    412 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2011 4:06 AM

    nice post Dianne81, but what do you use for Legend and Champ greens, in english please ,im a thick brit, dont understand techno stuff, ie v fast greens i times by 0.2 and add a bit for up or down, tourny greens i times by 0.25, legend and champ i anit played on yet,or if i have i cant remember.

  • Finnek
    23 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2011 9:14 AM

    Lots of whining here - learn how to putt. If you can't get a grip, this game is not for you - there needs to be a challenge. If you want to have autoaim, get a xbox and play CoD.

  • Dianne81
    773 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2011 1:22 PM

    Championship greens I've only seen when playing in the actual Opens, so rare you will come across them. When you are about to putt, look at top right corner, and it will tell you what greens you are on, and use the scale that correlates :)


    The biggest difference you will meet, is as a tourmaster, you have tournament greens.    Legend greens, while called tournament greens about about 10% faster on downhill putts.  The difference was to subtle to create a new named green I suppose.

    Happy Hitting