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Putting, putting, putting...

Sat, Jan 12 2013 9:29 PM (67 replies)
  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 11:09 PM

    the putting on here is ridiculous. oh btw, the open on whatever royal course... that thing is ridiculous. they call that a golf course? that a friggin farm that someone mowed close. that isn't even any semblance of a golf course. WTFO? someone needs to take an earthmover through there. i guess anyone can call their course royal and set it up in a cow pasture. there's plenty of crap there, just missing the cows!
    Funny the USGA doesn't see things the same way. I also haven't seen any cows while at the Royal Cow Pasture , but , I heard a jackass passed through and made a royal mess of the greens.



  • DaveHeathcote
    90 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 2:42 AM

    oh btw, the open on whatever royal course... that thing is ridiculous. they call that a golf course? that a friggin farm that someone mowed close. that isn't even any semblance of a golf course. WTFO? someone needs to take an earthmover through there. i guess anyone can call their course royal and set it up in a cow pasture. there's plenty of crap there, just missing the cows!

    2 things.

    First, course can only be called 'Royal' if it has been afforded that honour by the British Monarchy.

    Second, they were playing golf on links courses like RSG when your country was still a colony so maybe it's the perfectly manicured picture postcard courses you seem to be enamoured by that are the imposters?

    Or maybe, just maybe, one of the beauties of golf is the variation in courses that is possible?

    Just a thought, apologies for the mini-rant.

    FYI, from :

    Dr Laidlaw Purves of the Royal Wimbledon Golf Club, designed and established the Club in 1887. The Club was intended to serve the needs of London golfers who were only able to play their golf on often crowded and unkept courses in the area. Named St. George's, it was to become the English rival to Scotland's St. Andrew's. Royal status was bestowed on the Club by King Edward VII in May 1902.

    The Links provides a severe test for even the greatest of golfers and the fact that only three Open winners, Bill Rogers in 1981, Greg Norman in 1993 and Ben Curtis in 2003, have managed to be under par after 72 holes, speaks for itself.



  • BillyTBudMan
    100 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 2:40 PM


    While your at it....

    And the wind there should be no wind as well. 

    And what is with all this elevation how about making everything nice and flat, 

    And if the ball does not go in the hole just give it to me because I deserve that as well because I really want everything given to me like my job and my life was.

    And last but least could you wipe my ....................................... for me as well because it's just not fair....

    ...And there should be be coolers of Buds on all holes in case The Budman gets thirsty.

  • pillsy
    489 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 6:10 PM

    rumor has it this putter will soon be available in the pro-shop for purchase:

  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 7:17 PM

    I want one...............and the pants..!!!!LMAO>>>

  • zelg
    332 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 7:38 PM

    Could use that putter myself..lmao

  • Kinjiro
    2 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 9:37 PM

    To me, I could care less how good a person is at RL golf or on here. Putting IS horrid on this game.

    What should be done is be able to have an overhead view, each box on a grid is say 2'x2' and have a caddy tip on how you should judge the distance for putting. Sound like a popular PS2/3/Xbox game? Well seems to work quite well for that series.

    Just sayin'

  • pillsy
    489 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2011 6:37 AM


    To me, I could care less how good a person is at RL golf or on here. Putting IS horrid on this game.

    What should be done is be able to have an overhead view, each box on a grid is say 2'x2' and have a caddy tip on how you should judge the distance for putting. Sound like a popular PS2/3/Xbox game? Well seems to work quite well for that series.

    Just sayin'





    .....just practice.  read the putting FAQ thread, ask other players for tips.  it's really not THAT difficult, once you figure out how to calculate green speed, distances, learn your putting strength/stroke, how to read the greens, and how to judge the elevation.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2011 9:16 AM

    once you figure out how to calculate green speed, distances, learn your putting strength/stroke, how to read the greens, and how to judge the elevation.


    You know, all the things that you have to do in real golf that most golf games take for granted.  In TWO, you can buy, in the pro-shop, previews of putts that will show you where the putt will end up if you hit it a certain length at your current target.  Give me a freakin' break.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2011 12:12 PM

    Can you imagine how low the scores Bollox, AvLee and the rest of the top guys and gals on here would be if WGT made the putting easier. Give me a break!!! Scores would be in the 40's.

    I've been on here for 9months or so and i'm always learning something new about putting. Although my best advice to people struggling with their putting is learn where the easiest putt is from on each green. The flattest part. It's no good leaving yourself with a severely breaking putt thats 2ft downhill. You just ain't gonna make them.
