I did....lol. Everything. Only way i found to stop it is to turn off computer volume. If i turn club volume off it works....can't hear club hitting ball.....turn bird crap off....negative... still on.
This is how I have mine set. Still can hear the club hitting and invites. No other noise.
What I do, if waiting for an invite is start a game and sit on the first tee. All the sounds are off and the invite sound is set low enough to hear it come in. I can then browse the forum or Internet with the game client in the background. Only draw back is, if you have a lot of friends logging in and out.
Zio got mine set same way. Still hearing the noises?? Go back check to make sure.....yup turned off.
Don't get it? Started this crap today. I had noises turned off since day one. Anyhow....
Edit: Hmmm...... seems i was playing ready gos. Don't play a ready go... no noise?? Then play ready go again..... and bird a whatnot crapage. Maybe something we changed during the last update?
Was for sure not doing this before.
Edit #2..lol. Now its working?? play ready go no noise? Thank you man o man