I can think of a downside to this blocking. Not so long ago I made a poor attempt at a joke in an MP game and because of that joke, one player left the game in disgust. I went to post an apology on his wall after the game but couldn't because he'd blocked me and it was only when we met up again in another MP game shortly after that I could say sorry to him. Now, if I had a 'block splodge' after my name when I popped up in his game lobby he may have booted me out which would take away any chance for me to explain things.
I hear what you're saying scott,
but if we don't have the visual tools to
see who it is we have blocked, then the whole thing is pointless.
not being able to post on our walls is good,
and it prevents unwanted harassment, but we also need to be able
to identify our blocked players on the lobby and make our own choice
about ignoring the facts and giving the guy a second chance or not.
your point is good but circumstantially a rarity.
I think most people that get blocked are bad news,
and in anyway, if someone blocks you because of a lame joke,
then maybe he's too uptight to begin with, and in that case
you'd be better off playing with someone who's more like minded.
my 2¢ : pros outweigh the cons by far here