Anyone know how to quote from one post in a thread and then go to another post in the same thread and quote from that..encompassing both quotes in the reply ?
If that makes sense lol
If you hold the CTL key on the posts you wish to quote from, each will open in a new tab. Then you can make your edits to each reply in it's own window.
Then once you have all your replies ready and want to copy them to make one post. Right click inside each edited reply, and select the option "select all". The text is now high-lighted. Right click again and select "copy".
Move to the post you wish to make the final reply. Right click in side the message box and select "paste". Repeat until all your replies are in one post.
Be sure to do a preview of your final post to make sure it is the way you want it to display.
Then you can close all the other tabs.