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2 week tour pro looking for country club

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Thu, Jan 30 2014 9:39 AM (1 replies)
  • omniscient
    11 Posts
    Tue, Jan 28 2014 1:38 AM

    been playing for about 2 weeks now and im still not completely sure what a country club does for you but i'm assuming that they provide close friends and other benefits (that ill find out shortly i hope) if you join.  i've been playing golfstar for the past couple of years and shot-online before that and played quite successfully near the top of the competitive scene (considering my level in each game).  I'm looking for 2 things from this thread, a guilds/country clubs interested in inviting me and benefits for joining their guild/country club.  i plan on continuing my quest to being the #1 shooter in this game (ambitious i know, but i never stop trying to improve my game) while enjoying my time with others that i begin to know and enjoy my time with.  If anyone is interested in inviting me to their home/country club, please post! :)

  • desotojo
    2,513 Posts
    Thu, Jan 30 2014 9:39 AM

    We have a club that maintains a membership of around 80, we don't gambling, we do have small credit games and of course mostly free games. We have members who have made it from Hack to Legend in less than four months. (That still takes around 600-700 rounds). Most the members are in the middle tiers, and come from all over the world, we do not make it mandatory that you play like some clubs even though over 80% of our members play every month and most every week. It's just another source to learn from, make friends and see how you stack up against other players.  Interested let me know by sending request or message...  desotojo