I think that this should also fall under the "be careful what you wish for" category.
The biggest difference between this game and real life is the accuracy factor. While even the pros on the PGA will be prone to a period of spraying the ball all over the place, it is much easier for us to keep our shots in the short grass. Timing a click is much easier than making a mechanically sound golf swing.
If WGT were to create a so-called Legends driver which goes 300 yards (by the way, this year on tour, on holes where driving distance was measured, the longest average drive was 299.7 yards (http://www.pgatour.com/r/stats/info/?317)), the accuracy level would have to be extremely low in order to counter the natural accuracy of the game and mimic the fact that the longest drivers aren't necessarily the straightest.
The best thing you can do is take the time to learn how your clubs react in different situations and purchase balls which can slow the meter to appropriate speed or give you some of the distance you are looking for. It is still possible to score from the Masters tee without always having a wedge in hand; it just takes some effort to be as skilled with the mid and long irons as you are with your wedges.