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What would you do?

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Tue, Feb 4 2014 7:09 AM (10 replies)
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  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 12:08 AM

    I am in a dilemma, should I stay or should I go?

    The CC I am in is run by a good mate, and in the past we played a lot of A/S and M/P with other members, but time zones, apathy etc has reduced this. We seldom play tournaments and the turnout is poor - 4 or 5 from only 15 members.

    The only other CC I have been a member was large - 250 but was impersonal, no forum banter and still had low tournament participation - 10 or so each event.

    So what should I do? I feel obliged and loyal to stay, but would like to be in a CC where most players play, actually participate in forum and club life when they can.

    I am not asking for invites, just for sensible advice. To be honest I am not sure there is a club out there who can live to my ideals in participation but interested to hear peoples views.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 12:19 AM

    You obviously still enjoy the game Alan, and from what l gather you have quite a hectic work schedule.

    lf i'm wrong about the work schedule, how about forming your own CC?


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 12:26 AM

    There are good clubs with lots of participation. I would never suggest someone starts their own club though. If you run a large popular club you spend so much time organizing and keeping people happy that you hardly ever get to play.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 12:37 AM

    lf i'm wrong about the work schedule, how about forming your own CC?

    Yup sadly I could not devote enough time. As it is, some days when I get home/to a hotel, I just log on, sit and stare blankly at the screen and do not even play let alone admin tasks for a CC. I was once offered the reins of my current CC but lack of time made me decline it. Now I wished I had another 6 hours in every day!

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 12:43 AM

    Just sent you a PM.

  • bluey403
    1,533 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 1:02 AM

    I hear you man, i was a foundation member of esssy's australian club & when that went kapoot i became a member of the fledgling ADVANCE AUSTRALIA FAIRWAY club.

    The players within aaf are all really great and i enjoyed every minute involved.

    Last week i decided it was time for a change and yesterday, created my own club PACIFIC PLAYERS.

    I have sent you a friend request, and would like to hear from you regarding your dilemna


  • Martijn67
    13 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 1:03 AM

    I once moved from a "normal" CC to a CC that uses Teamspeak while playing. I must say it makes a huge difference in being part of a club. It's so much more fun being able to talk to your fellow CC mates besides not having to type in the chat anymore.

    I know i wouldn't want to go back to a normal silent CC.

    I would seriously consider this.

    Grtz. Martijn

    2,580 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 1:06 AM

    If your working Alanti, then forget about setting up a CC yourself. It takes a lot of time and dedication run a CC with enough to keep members going. The fact you are asking the question above is enough to tell me that you aint happy with what you got there.

    To be honest, i know what i would do, and that is look for a new CC. But i would tell my friend this, and let him know the reasons too. If he is as good a friend as you say, he should understand. Then, if it was possible, i would also ask if i could come back to the club if things didnt work out for you. Hopefully he will understand, and be reasonable.

    I would love to have you in our CC Alanti, but to be honest, i have already turned down a lot of legends who have asked to join. We are top heavy with legends etc, and we are looking for lower tiered players, but i can only wish you the best in your search if you do decide to look for pastures new.


  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 3:42 AM

    Hey buddy,

    you've been given some great advice here.  two tidbits that i'd pick out from your circumstances.

    I wouldn't go down the create a country club route, it is very time consuming and as Courteney has said, running a successful one leaves you with little time to actually play.  I've first hand experience of setting up a club from scratch and becoming relatively successful.  Admittedly, Southern has it's own website and our own forums and leaderboards to update, chatbox to administer etc but even running a good club without all the extras is still hard work and time consuming.

    Have a chat with your friend.  as Two above me said, if he's a decent mate, he'll completely understand your reasons for wanting to improve your experience.

    There are many clubs out there that'd love to have you on their roster, so have a look around at whats out there!


  • fravel
    1,716 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 6:02 AM


    Hey buddy,

    you've been given some great advice here.  two tidbits that i'd pick out from your circumstances.

    I wouldn't go down the create a country club route, it is very time consuming and as Courteney has said, running a successful one leaves you with little time to actually play.  I've first hand experience of setting up a club from scratch and becoming relatively successful.  Admittedly, Southern has it's own website and our own forums and leaderboards to update, chatbox to administer etc but even running a good club without all the extras is still hard work and time consuming.

    Have a chat with your friend.  as Two above me said, if he's a decent mate, he'll completely understand your reasons for wanting to improve your experience.

    There are many clubs out there that'd love to have you on their roster, so have a look around at whats out there!



    Just to add something here,what Tal said here all true and if you think to run a CC and to do that 100% takes alot of your  time, but if you have members in a CC that helps you with some of the work then that CC is the best to join.


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