rqueen: If I'm understanding you, you are speaking about the ball coming off the face of the putter when it is hit perfectly? If so then I would have to say that it is a programmer "fix". From what I've been able to tell on a couple of different putters that I've had and all of them have done it. Apparently the program is telling the ball to break with the break of the green but it is not programmed (almost always on softer putts) to come off the face of the putter and THEN start following the break of the green.
All the putters are doing this to some extent or another. But I missed the cabo flat par 3, 3 times straight, that par 3 has for me at least, always been, for the most part, ding and it's in and sometimes even when missing the ding. That told me clearly, something is very wrong.
What you are referring is something that everyone has to adjust for, the break beginning immediately off the putter face. my concern as a ding putter was a little different.