Hi, Welcome! ...and interesting introduction!
The thought of us living in a simulation is a possibility considered by many. Essentially units of consciousness that are constrained by a physical rule set... from which we cannot "escape" or easily see beyond. One thought is that this confinement enhances creativity. Just floating around as conscious thought with unrestricted boundaries might be insufferably boring. The challenges of a constrained world/cosmos with untold challenges can potentially enhance/accelerate consciousness evolution.
In this theoretical framework, one requirement is the ability of a consciousness unit or soul or avatar to self-modify as it learns and grows via experiences within the simulation. Popular virtual reality and gaming scenarios are few and far between that employ this tactic i.e. create an avatar with specific characteristics and self-modifying abilities, then "let it go" in a virtual environment with an assorment of rule sets or constraints... and watch what happens.
Current research in AI, or strong AI or artificial general intellingence is the most mature field along these lines, with lots of interesting (and sometimes worrisome) predictions for our future. The thought is: what happens when an artificially created, self-modifying avatar, or robot, or (as you put it) "limited vessel" is sophisticated enough to rival our own brains? Suddenly we may have a new consciousness hiearchy at our machine virtual reality level. And some think that the web, in its entirety, is already there: it meets most of the requirements of a conscious, self modifying organism or mind.
Anyway, enjoy your new virtual-within-virtual experience! I am not a real world golfer but in reading the forums there seem to be lots of interesting parallels, and plenty of challenges/constraints to keep our creative juices flowing. Got another blue one? :)