I can understand that the old "dot" rating system probably had some limitations & therefore needed an upgrade, but was it really necessary to completely jumble everything? The layout made sense before, but now it's just a mess.........or am I missing something?
There is a sort of sorts, but I feel it could do with a few more options such as, Tier, Forgiveness, Distance, Meter Speed, Spin, Trajectory.
WHAT HE >>>> ScottHope said....
prefer old system ... was very easy to understand .. pls put it back
Agree. You can't sort by level, which is a big step back.
I agree this new system makes no sense.
I like the new rating numbers, but have to agree the organization of the items offered in the pro shop is horrible and will likely result in lost sales for WGT.
i agree with apexpc ... i for one have given up at moment on changing any of my equipment until wgt sort the mess out
donkey00000: i agree with apexpc ... i for one have given up at moment on changing any of my equipment until wgt sort the mess out
Me too. All we need is a "As it was" option
This needs to be addressed. At an absolute minimum the ability to sort by Level is needed.
And while you're at it, fix the Balance when using the Compare feature - shows 0.0 for all putters.