I'm sorry, your suggestion is far from being new. Alas, understandably, WGT won't punish their customers to that extent - bad for the enterprise / customer relation.
In general, the company does not respond directly to any suggestions. My most favourable interpretation is that they have to hide their business secrets. The best reply you can get, if any, is a mod stating "We put it on the list", along with "We'll look into it", third "I'm gonna pass it on" which - honestly speaking - don't mean a thing. No offence intended against the mods.
Two situations robbed me of any hope and engagement:
In 2012, in a life video chat, their CEO showed plainly that he wasn't informed about customers' wishes posted here before frequently. Instead, he stated "Take it to the forum to let us know".
Only a few months later, January 2013, a user organized a collection of bug fix wishes and new proposals. We only requested a "yes - perhaps - no" answer concerning the probability of realisation. After a month's work in the forum, the mods came back to us with the disappointing news that WGT would not comment on anything.
BTW, the only time I've seen the CEO around here since the chat, once, perhaps twice, was for some meaningless smalltalk. IMHO, he has other priorities than his customers.
To me, from that experience, any hope and second thought is vain. Promises are likely to be lies, "amelioration" is but a surprise box here.
I play the game "as is" - still having fun on the courses.