Does look bad for a certain entities idea for sure, and rightly so IMO as way beyond their remit. decentralising control to that extent for this game is absurd well intended or not. My guess it backs up more specific correspondence for that.
Obviously a bit of thou shalt not sniff packets thrown in as no one could stop the lawyer going off in tangents (no cheating being understood anyway), or just felt no harm in belt and braces for that certain site using a certain method. They get paid by the hour so probably thought beef it up lol.
Can't think how it could possibly be intentionally aimed at anything else.
EDIT: Upon re reading it is extremely poorly worded as far as reproduction goes. Some one could easily take that as not being able to record for innocent reasons.
Either the lawyer had a bad remit or a bad day at the office.
For the purposes of this thread a mod has come out and said what it means effectively as far as recording goes. If I was given it by a lawyer I would tell them to go back and do that bit again it again, but that's me:)