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Updated Terms & Conditions

Sun, Feb 16 2014 9:50 AM (43 replies)
  • Specter84
    15 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 4:33 PM

    this /\ (by gmaster007)

    However, isn't that the case with nearly all TOS?

    I would feel a bit better about it, if they said that the elimination of equipment would result in a replacement of equivalent value.  I shudder, thinking of all the hours spent watching vids, just to have all my clubs go POOF with a simple SQL delete...

    So how about it, WGT? Tell us what changed?

    2,580 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 4:36 PM

    Yup, kinda like: you have the right to buy that Mars bar, but you dont have the right to eat it, lol.

  • FlexibleAsARock
    101 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 4:39 PM

    granted im new here,  but i dont think the t&c have anything to do with the benefit of the players, standard t&c's tend to relieve the issueing party of any indemnity, wgt does not really seem to be of open and honest integrity so, i i can see no reason to worry about anything here unless your of the ilk of trying to bring suit against them regarding representation of equipment or something like that

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 5:02 PM


    packet sniffing?


    Intercepting and reverse engineering their other words the whole thing basically says don't hack our game or use our logos and data for your site or we will take your sh!t and ban you...


  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 5:15 PM


    packet sniffing?

    Using software to analyze the traffic on a network. 

    Data is sent in "packets".   When you intercept those packets and check them out, it's known as "sniffing".


    Or for those hooked on phonics....doing what Ennis A. does.   ;-)


    edit:  that'll teach me to take a break when writing a     What Dan said...

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 5:27 PM

    Does look bad for a certain entities idea for sure, and rightly so IMO as way beyond their remit.  decentralising control to that extent for this game is absurd well intended or not.  My guess it backs up more specific correspondence for that.  

    Obviously a bit of thou shalt not sniff packets thrown in as no one could stop the lawyer going off in tangents (no cheating being understood anyway), or just felt no harm in belt and braces for that certain site using a certain method.  They get paid by the hour so probably thought beef it up lol.

    Can't think how it could possibly be intentionally aimed at anything else.  

    EDIT: Upon re reading it is extremely poorly worded as far as reproduction goes.  Some one could easily take that as not being able to record for innocent reasons.  

    Either the lawyer had a bad remit or a bad day at the office.

    For the purposes of this thread a mod has come out and said what it means effectively as far as recording goes.  If I was given it by a lawyer I would tell them to go back and do that bit again it again, but that's me:)


  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 5:47 PM


    I would imagine this has more to do with people who record a game and then use it to show how to use a cheat engine or such. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

    Is there anyway to get a definitive answer for the "recording a game" question? I record games, saved shots, and have made a video showing one of the ways to clean caches, cookies, etc. If it's not allowed, I'd like to know so I can take the videos down from YouTube.

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 6:50 PM

    @Jay - Shoe somewhat endorses the thread Buggy has goin so I don't think recording a game in general is disallowed - just not a video showing how to cheat is what he's sayin.

  • DynamiteTommy
    172 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 7:32 PM


    packet sniffing?


    we're not allowed to play after doing coke anymore?!

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2014 8:02 PM



    packet sniffing?


    we're not allowed to play after doing coke anymore?!

    No No after is fine, just not during, all good, PHEW!