Well, maybe I should go look at my own score history. Do I play at kia? Yeah, sometimes. But, I am pretty sure I have never shot good enough there to make a big difference in my average. But, I may be wrong.
How am I supposed to know why certain payers won't go on certain courses? Maybe they are posers! Maybe they just don't like the way those courses play.
Since I have been here such a short time I can't say much as to what was and wasn't available as far as equipment. But, to say that someone having less equipment or less effective equipment to choose from could be a history lesson. It could also mean they got really used to that equipment for a long time.
Maybe I am highly wrong in this. But, when you upgrade clubs it is like learning a new game. Is it better in the long run? YES. But, it is still learning shots all over again.
So, it can also be said that where there was less equipment and less courses available, some of the people that have been here a while had the game dialed in and had their clubs dialed in. IMO, much easier to learn a new course when you already know what the equipment was capable of.
So. I guess I'm not meaning to put anyone off but, do the players that have been here for years expect the new players to learn every course and figure out different shots and then upgrade equipment and figure out shots again, and still learn every course?
Regardless, I started this thread because I was called a cheater and I was upset. Certain players on here want to run their mouths and then have absolutely no proof to back it up but they continue to do so.
I never meant to upset a class act player!
This ^^ I thought you were trying to tell me something. Maybe I was wrong. Just trying to wrap my head around people thinking I am a multi account