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the peoples

Thu, Mar 6 2014 8:23 AM (28 replies)
  • HWei
    534 Posts
    Mon, Mar 3 2014 6:53 PM

    @ EasyEdward 

     Its not the matter of Sympathize as to who it is the moral of it all ,so with that of OP thinks for any actions that when anyone here states their opinion . They will seek for any issues that has no point at all .

                    Besides if OP wants to bring an issues with OP ,there is NO need for anyone to get involve .So with that EasyEdward Butt out .Unless U have a riff with myself ,so with that don't go there .Otherwise I will resort to authority ,for which is not I wish to do ?





    May I suggest that before you get critical with Courteney or sympathize with Cesar, you have the facts. Absent that you should not opine on the matter.

    The membership of TPC both in this post and internally in the CC Forum have said exactly that. It simply was the OP's actions that lead to hs dismissal from the CC.

    I have been an active member in The Peoples Club for well over a year now. In all my time Courteney has been way more than fair to all members. Too fair, in my opinion, in some cases.

    Again, the OP was the problem for 240 some other CC members not Courteney.

    Not one member of the CC (present or past) has said otherwise either here or in the CC forum; so I find it quite strange that you can come to a different conclusion when you do not know the facts. 




  • attevocai
    918 Posts
    Mon, Mar 3 2014 6:57 PM

    I think it's been made pretty clear what happened, and don't know why it's even still a discussion, he started a lot of unnecessary speculation by posting this and it's been addressed....

    but just in case it still isn't clear, here's the simple version of what happened:

    Cesar entered the club and within his first 20 days he made more than 20 new threads in our forum... we let him know that it was excessive and that he could continue asking for advice (which he was always given) in one thread and we'd keep helping him... he said ok, but kept doing it...

    also in his first 20 days, he started at least 10 tournaments, many of which took up the final free slot for the club.... he was told several times that we have regular tourneys that he was interfering with by doing that and to just at least check with us before starting a new one.... he said ok, but kept doing it....

    he asked on multiple occasions for help with clubs and was given a few warnings not to beg anymore, and even though he actually was gifted way more clubs than I would ever even imagine, he said ok, but kept doing it.... 


  • attevocai
    918 Posts
    Mon, Mar 3 2014 7:03 PM

    Courteney was far more patient than I would have been, and every member who interacted with Cesar tried our hardest to get him to understand that he just needed to back off a little, while still willing to offer him advice and help.... he said ok, but kept doing it....

    TPC is by far full of nothing but people who enjoy the game and are all willing to help each other when possible.... so this sh*t just needs to fade into the later pages of oblivion and not give any more attention to one disgruntled player or former members who still hold grudges

  • commonguymd
    303 Posts
    Mon, Mar 3 2014 7:53 PM

    I loathe beggars on here.  All of them.  That is all.



  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Mon, Mar 3 2014 11:09 PM

    In all my time in TPC, Courteney was always fair and went overboard to try and quell any problems that existed.  If anyone got kicked out, it was because Courteney felt that all efforts to prevent the problem was used, and that the removal was a last resort.

    I'm just starting my own cc...Treasure Island Golf Club, and in doing this, I'm going to be running my cc the same way Courteney runs hers. She's fair but firm, and she gives more chances than most cc owners do.  I applaud Courteney on how she handled the situation the OP was referring to.


  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Tue, Mar 4 2014 10:40 AM

    Shame this thread has stretched to 3 pages already.  It lost any credibility with the accusation of racism.

    I have always found Courteney and the other members to be friendly and helpful.  We had a great Country Club match last year and there was never any hint of anything like this.

    I'm a former member of TPC, albeit for a short period and all i can say is they're nothing but fair.

    Anyway, its pancake day....cya :)





  • Tiberius12
    253 Posts
    Tue, Mar 4 2014 6:11 PM


    Shame this thread has stretched to 3 pages already.  It lost any credibility with the accusation of racism.

    I have always found Courteney and the other members to be friendly and helpful.  We had a great Country Club match last year and there was never any hint of anything like this.

    I'm a former member of TPC, albeit for a short period and all i can say is they're nothing but fair.

    Anyway, its pancake day....cya :)





    It was pancake day for my house today too! Tomorrow is waffle day!

  • pjctas0822
    4,615 Posts
    Wed, Mar 5 2014 1:34 PM

     Now just kick off of the this cc . Just for make tourneys ...try to change my driver ...never begging ...everybody could make tourneys except me...i think they except carsonpig are a bunch of racist against spaniards  ...ty for all carsonpig  ...go to hell Courteney

    Your mother should have taught you manners bro. If you dont have anything nice to say then say nothing at all because it really reflects upon who you are. Please dont try and join the CC im in .
  • Anonymous69
    48 Posts
    Thu, Mar 6 2014 8:23 AM

    Shame this thread has stretched to 3 pages already.


    the players can't say more your opnion  !? you is the BOSS ???
