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Sat, Nov 21 2015 4:39 AM (12 replies)
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  • russellie
    668 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 7:21 AM

    Whats with this Tab that comes up saying Take Muligan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 1:53 PM

    It says, take another try after that nasty butchered shot.

    WGT will take two shots from your ball as a compensation.

    Special limitations apply.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sun, Mar 2 2014 3:39 PM

    Clicking on it gives sets up the shot you just did again.

    Mulligan is an enhancement to Practice mode, but as mentioned comes with an added  cost.

    Of you are using any ball except the Starter ball, the ball durability is reduced -2 instead of the normal -1. Also note though that normal putts do not decrease ball durability, Mulligan putts do decrease ball durability by the same -2 as regular strokes do,

    FAQ Home

    What is a Mulligan?

    A mulligan is a stroke that is replayed from the spot of the previous stroke without penalty.

    How can I take a mulligan in WGT?

    Mulligans can only be used in Practice mode as a single player playing on a stroke play course.

    Is there a cost to use a mulligan?

    If you use a mulligan during a Practice game, the ball you are using will be degraded by two hits instead of one hit. Mulligan putts will also degrade your ball by two hits.

    Is there a limit on the number of mulligans I can use?

    No, there is no limit on the number of mulligans you can use when playing a Practice game.

  • LuxMoto
    324 Posts
    Wed, Nov 18 2015 3:13 PM

    not really sure anyone still looking here but still:  why is there a penalty on practicing a shot??  very strange to get punached finacially for practicing. The only way to learn how to play a shot is by playing it over and over, but not doable when it takes out your ball twice as fast. ....using free balls doesn't solve it because they really react very different.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Wed, Nov 18 2015 3:20 PM

    At every Driving Range there is a fee, each practice shot is costly.

    Same here.

  • LuxMoto
    324 Posts
    Fri, Nov 20 2015 4:47 AM

    ok, thx for the reaction both of you. First of all Alosso, I agree on having to pay for drivingrange fees, but one shot allready wears out the ball, so why the 1 shot penalty? 

    But then Solarflares reaction; now that is food for thought. Yes there are more ways to learn, but specially your first point, This means selecting the right club , knowing the possible-distance ,loft and spin-potential - and then exploiting that to your best ability in your mind - all this can be done off the course without hitting a ball. does also requires experience. every hole/green reacts different, which direction slopes the green, where is the best landingspot, how much does the wind influences the length of your shot, how far do I have to put it left or right of the pin with sidewind, do I 'ping' the ball or is it better to play a draw or a slice, and when I do how much distance do I loose, etc.  All questions you can explore by practicing. It is not about trying to get the ball from 2 yards to 1 yard of the hole, but experimenting (is that a word?) to see what your options are, and grow some consistency. What to do in unusual situations, how not to ruin a good round by knowing what recoveryshot might work. 

    Yes you can learn from reading, and yes, some things can't be learned from mulligans.However, most skills in life you will significantly improve mastering by practise. That is why most top golfplayers spent hours on the drivingrange and practise greens and bunkers.  practise....practise.....practise

    My thoughts on the matter  :)

    regards, Lux

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Fri, Nov 20 2015 10:54 AM

    First of all Alosso, I agree on having to pay for drivingrange fees, but one shot allready wears out the ball, so why the 1 shot penalty? 

    Why not, from the accountant's POV? You know that they want only our best, for themselves ;) Furthermore, this feature might spare us a whole round with more ball usage, if we want to come back to repeat the shot without the mulligan.

    In my vincinity, there are budget driving range facilities with 5 € entry fee, and expensive ones with 20 € entry (both excluding the balls). Some use the latter, and here we have no choice.

  • LuxMoto
    324 Posts
    Fri, Nov 20 2015 3:27 PM

    thanks for your thoughts on this subject guys. I will chew on it a bit :). I don't know if I am a player with a cup-fixation, hahaha,  I try to approach this with reason, play aggressive when possible, defensive when necessary, but maybe your right. seem to find myself making the same mistakes over and over in some situations, and try to work that out. 

    enough said about this, really appreciate the input.  On a different subject, I noticed that you (solarflares) went up to legend-level in only 4 months, so you must do something right :). Respect for that achievement. Will find my way in this matter.

    thanks,   Lux

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