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Stupid Question on Ding?

Mon, Sep 11 2017 4:34 AM (23 replies)
  • Proruff
    94 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 4:13 PM

    I think that if you 'ding' it, you've applied the most power you possibly can in the direction of the blue triangle; a lot of the game is knowing where to put the blue triangle if you want to put it as far as possible towards the place you want to end up.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, Mar 15 2014 4:25 PM


    . . . Does it mean we have hit the perfect shot? . . . .

    No. But it does mean that the shot will have the minimum amount of variance.

    Often times when we have chosen the correct power, aim and spin and we 'ding' the shot, it goes where we expect it to. But there are occasions when it doesn't. Why is that?

    Forgiveness shifts the precision circle left or right (and usually short) depending on how much you mishit and what the forgiveness rating of the club is.  Clubs with lesser forgiveness ratings shift the circle left/right more on mishits.

    This is why (especially on low precision clubs) you can mishit slightly right of the mark and have the ball go left instead.  Mishitting right shifts the circle to the right, but part of the circle is still "leftover" on the left side of the flag, so it has the potential to land there.

    The game is pretty simple. 

    Precision controls your accuracy.

    Imagine it's like a circle that surrounds the flagstick when you aim at it.  The size of that circle is related to the precision rating.  The higher the rating the smaller the circle.

    Your ball can land anywhere in the circle on a dinged shot (left or right, long or short).

     It will ALWAYS land in the circle on a ding shot, though sometimes it may land in the center of the circle and sometimes it may land on the very outer edge or anywhere in between those two points.  When it lands on the outer edge this is what you guys have come to know as "the beast".

    Was the shot pre-programmed? Does it know you're standing on the 17th hole at Kiawah?

    No, it's just unfortunate timing.

    The result you see is the logical spread dictated by the precision rating of the club over 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 shots taken on the site.  No matter how big or small the sample it's amazingly consistent because it is after all only a simple mathematical formula.

    The shot data is spread out amongst all users, so there will be times when you run into a lot of "edge cases" (aka deviations, aka outside edge of the precision circle) and times where you seemingly can't miss the center (even when you mishit).


    This is the ebb and flow of the game and it's always been there.  In the short term you will have "bad" days and "good" days.  In the long term (providing they are using the same clubs) any one player will see the same amount of "edge cases" or "deviations" that the rest of the players do.



  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sat, Mar 15 2014 5:16 PM

    There are no stupid question on The forums ,anyone says you have a stupid question ,tell him WGT is like a box of chocolat .....LOLlllll       you never know what you are going to get  ,,,,,,,          :)    hitting the Ding in my experience,  gives a longer and more accurate shot ....          Frapp

  • Slicer26
    11 Posts
    Sat, Mar 15 2014 5:36 PM

    I've found that hitting the 'ding' all the time is not the way to go; with a slice wind (a left-to-right wind), you want to put just a little bit of hook on it to hold it up against the slice wind; on a hook wind (right-to-left wind), just the opposite...put a little slice on it to hold against the hook wind.....seems to me that when you do miss the ding, you lose yardage and accuracy (obviously)....and obviously different makes of clubs and balls have an affect as well....maybe you've gotten this advice already but thought I'd throw my 2 cents in...happy golfing. ;)

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Mar 15 2014 6:53 PM


    We get to control 4 things before we actually hit the ball: 1) aim left or right of a target, 2) power of our swing, 3) spin on the ball, either top spin or back spin and 4) the type of shot, i.e. full, punch, flop etc.

    I simply would not get too wrapped up in it.  Of course there is VEM, winds gusting etc etc etc..........For this game ding is where it is at though, save for what I pointed out. Right calcs dinged with good putts and you will chip away to Legend / TL. Simple IMO!

    To be more like real life, the only thing the game can do is randomly choose which one of those three things, or any combination, will be off and by how much. Unfortunately, we can't learn from these bad shots because we don't know what went wrong. That's where the business aspect of this game comes in.

    A alluded to yes, but people get too wrapped up in this sometimes IMO.

    Play it simply and all is good.  Same for every one remember, and some get very good stats.  

    ObviousIy a WTF is a WTF, but it's important to note these need not get in the way of learning.  

    Time and effort spent means the better player can see a WTF, dust down and move on as happens.  Knowing a WTF is important, and time / effort teaches us that, so that we can learn fully from the rest.  

    Importantly many seemingly WTFs are simply players not understanding enough, and why many think they get too many.

    I been using the forgiveness on left and right to make better shots depending on wind, and how to select the power less or more with wind speed, for drive and approach shots, and with putting using the forgiveness for slopes.

    As I said for strong winds I may miss often, and explained that one.  Just for the OPs concern and any one else trying to just play this game to a very good standard, and for any one 98% of the time simple dinging is the way.  Now a couple of real sharp dog legs is about the only time I would say to TM+ think about curving the ball, and there are threads on that.  Get the simple stuff right and refine the rest later for those 2% of times (and then also high winds OK missing is desired as said IMO)........

    Now before any one jumps on me this response is aimed below what some think happens in RGs / top tourneys.  Threads all over the place on that, and I have not going there:).

    I'll Jump on your response...    Damn good replies :)

    I think... if anybody treats/think Wgt is a buisness ( I suppose they are a buisness), then you're in trouble from the start, because every bad shot you make...  you will blame Wgt. Then the rest of your game will be

    This is a Puter Game that most of us like and enjoy (most of the  Treat it as a game and have fun doing it....  I still swear and try and punch the walls (I had to move table away so I can't reach at my bad shots...  but, move on for my next shot.

    There is no silly questions...  they are the good ones.  You don't have to hit the ding for it to be a good shot.  Sometimes hitting the ding can be a disaster.  If the meter is too quick... then don't try and hit the ding...  easier to miss and compensate with aim and club selection .....    not forgetting how much spin to use on the ball....  but that's another thread.

    Hitting the lines before or after the ding can be very useful...  On the Tee on Beth #2 (off the blacks) is one example...   clicking that line b4 ding, with correct aim... then you don't have to worry about hitting the tree infront of you.

    Then there is....   miss the ding when putting...  which I do all the time except if it's a straight putt.

    Keep things simple and just have fun


  • graemelee99
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, Mar 19 2014 6:50 AM

    Gotta say, if my meter lets me ding every shot, I am going to have an excellent round.... if not, then i have to work very hard and putt very well for an excellent round. Sadly this is frequently unachievable!

    I putt on the ding too so no ding.... great sadness :)  I use full backspin on 90% of shots too so missing ding makes the problem greater!

    and you need to aim the cursor when using the ding

  • wordswell
    3 Posts
    Sat, Sep 9 2017 12:06 PM

    I find when i ding the meter my shot is way off. I will afford for wind, and if i ding it, my ball goes way astray. Its awful. The ding supposedly is the best shot, but for me, when i hear the ding, i cringe, because the game glitches and the shot is awful.

    It's a crappy glitch; i heard they did it to annoy ding cheaters, but it ruins the game.

  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Sat, Sep 9 2017 5:04 PM


    I find when i ding the meter my shot is way off. I will afford for wind, and if i ding it, my ball goes way astray. Its awful. The ding supposedly is the best shot, but for me, when i hear the ding, i cringe, because the game glitches and the shot is awful.

    It's a crappy glitch; i heard they did it to annoy ding cheaters, but it ruins the game.

    Actually the clubs you are playing with are`nt made to be accurate . The starter clubs are just that to get you started . Add to that the game changing your circle of precision and its game over . Invest your time to earn credits , or reach for the wallet and buy better clubs . That`s the way it goes you have to pay to play for a better game .


  • alosso
    21,052 Posts
    Sat, Sep 9 2017 10:42 PM

    The ding supposedly is the best shot

    It's named "eccellent", but it's not the best in all cases.

    => With a side wind, better miss the ding against the wind for more accuracy,

    => on a side slope, better miss the ding with the putter against the slope to stabilise the ball's path.