Languages. What do you do if you see a post in a foreign language?
If I was curious, in the past I would copy and paste it into Google Translate.
Later, I noticed that in Chrome's right click menu, there was a 'Translate to English' option. I'm sure that used to work, but it doesn't appear to work anymore unless the majority of the page is in a foreign language.
If Chrome can't do the translation for whatever reason, it sticks a pop-up at the top of the page telling you that. The pop-up has two buttons on it though, 'Try again' & 'Options'.
Most of the time 'Try again' does not succeed, so having a stab at the 'Options' button gives you a couple of drop down selections, 'Page language' & 'Translation language'.
Now here's the tricky part, if only a small part of the page is in a foreign language, Chrome probably won't detect it, so you will have to try and work out what language it is.
In the 'Page language' dropdown, select what you think is the correct language, then in the 'Translation language', select what language you want it translated into.