jeepie411:offered an apology but quickly removed it from my wall.
Not that I am a troll ,, But I did see that and have been there .
Jeepie411; as you seem to be aware, death threats even online are a criminal offence. If I were you I'd contact the relevant authorities, it may be unlikely, (even in the extreme) that this person will actually follow through with them, but to make such threats especially against your opponents family over an ONLINE GAME points to a person with SERIOUS mental issues who needs help. If you contact the authorities this person may just get that help.
pdxdriver: lonniescott711: Also , whats excoriated mean ? Must be an aussie thing . Folks down under talk funny . :-)Miffy is from South Africa,not an Aussie. Just saying :)
lonniescott711: Also , whats excoriated mean ? Must be an aussie thing . Folks down under talk funny . :-)
Just saying :)
Lonnie, excoriate means to criticise someone very harshly. Which is something I deserve after being so rude to OWDHAMER.
I apologise OWD.
Heh owdhamer: tell'em if they can't stand the heat, to get outa the kitchen!!! They are everwhere.........
Hi to everyone who responded to my post.
Thanks again, I am certainly not going to let anyone get into my head!!
Think too many people don't realise that WGT is JUST a game.
Your comments have been taken on board and are much appreciated.