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Bracket Tournaments

Sat, May 24 2014 9:22 AM (6 replies)
  • royphillips1
    1,278 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 6:50 AM

    Some Members in my Club have been Playing in the WGT Brackets Tournaments wich they are Really Enjoying and a few have  Even won, there is no Purse its purely Played for fun and kudos

    A few Members have asked if Bracket Tournament are Available for CC Clubs to Organize and Play  l have looked in the CC,Tournament Setup and cannot see any Tools for Bracket Tournaments

    Have l just missed it ?   or is there no Bracket Tournaments setups Available for CC,Clubs if no t  Would wgt Please give Thought to adding Bracket Tournaments to the CC Tournament Setup




  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 7:10 AM
    You can set up your own in match-play. Not a lot of difference.
  • royphillips1
    1,278 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 2:09 PM

    Agreed we have done this and are in the process of starting one  just thought it would be a nice addition to the Tournament setup Tools, Especialy as wgt have already done the work of introduceing it to their own Tournaments it would not take a lot of time and effort to add it to the CC  natural Progression 

                                            Just a Suggestion

  • bigjohndough
    91 Posts
    Thu, May 22 2014 8:14 PM

    ok thanks for looking into that- next question - i just entered my first tournament -  bracket tourn. tierless bracket 9h  charged a dollar - but when i checked the purse payout - says zero - not sure why I would pay to enter a tourn with no reward and pay extra???  thanks, Brian

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 12:32 PM

    Have l just missed it ?   or is there no Bracket Tournaments setups Available for CC,Clubs

    Sadly, no brackets are available for CC setup yet, hopefully this will change in the future. Same wish goes for champ speed in CC tourneys.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 12:37 PM

    i just entered my first tournament -  bracket tourn. tierless bracket 9h  charged a dollar - but when i checked the purse payout - says zero - not sure why I would pay to enter a tourn with no reward and pay extra???

    The payout for the 100 credit bracket is 720 cr for 1st, 432 cr for 2nd and 144 cr for 3rd and 4th place. So if you saw zero, you were probably looking at the payout for the wrong (the free one) bracket. Check again and you should see where you went wrong ;-)

  • Stryder1261
    931 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 9:22 AM

    My CC runs group bracket but we have a separate web page we keep the bracket & course settings on and do a random computer generated draw an also video it and post that as well. we also use a handicap system so its fair for all levels to play.

    We use this as our Monthly CC Championship.