You've probably triggered an avalanche, Stevie, but let me be among the first.
You haven't tried all that hard. You are batting the ball around with substandard equipment, so you are stacking the deck against yourself. No money? there are free credits available, doncha know, which add up a little slowly perhaps, but eventually get you BETTER CLUBS.
Surely in six or seven years you have acquired a gift card. You could have used it to get BETTER CLUBS. Maybe not $30 pretend putters, but at least $20 imaginary irons.
You might even have won some credits - a little patience and repetition in the CTTH league and it is possible to get into the top 50 even with crappy clubs and the GI ball. With the free slightly better than GI balls that WGT occasionally tosses our way, you might even have broken top twenty.
The top echelon folks who have all the best stuff are going to collect the 54 scores and the fame and glory and big credit wins that goes with it. You should have realized by this time you're not part of that country club. Pull the xxxxxx out of your zzzz and just try to have fun.