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Looking for an Inter CC Challenge?

Mon, Sep 1 2014 7:46 AM (6 replies)
  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Wed, Apr 9 2014 2:50 PM

    Well look no further than Southern England Links

    After a brief hiatus, SEL's Inter Club schedule is starting to fill up quite nicely.  Not  satisfied with our bursting Tour Schedule, our WGT loving members are hungry for more golf.  I've been spamming contacting a few clubs and have a few matches almost set(along with our current one in progress) but of course there aren't enough hours in the day to go around all the CCs in WGT so hopefully you'll catch this topic.

    We currently have a team of around 16 players.  Most are Legends but also have a couple each of Tour Legends, Tour Masters and Masters.  We are very flexible with match arrangements.  We prefer to play 18 hole Match Play but more than happy to play 9 holes and/or Stroke Play.

    So if you're looking for a bit of friendly competition either send me a friend request, post on my wall or just reply here and I'll get back to you.  

    Cheers, Paul

  • johnman1
    1,016 Posts
    Thu, Apr 10 2014 1:32 AM

    Hi Paul, Ive sent you a friends request. We are The Madrid G.C. CC

    We have a team ready t go , though we havent played against a CC  before.

    At the moment we have about 10 Legends , 8TM  and 5M on our list as volunteers to play.

    Talk to you by mail.

    ATB John

  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 7:37 AM

    Southern England Link 2.5 - 11.5 English Lakes

    I'd like to think this match was a bit closer than the scoreline suggests.  Many of the ties went down to the last few holes.  The quality of English Lakes CC, one of the finest clubs in WGT with a whole host of Tour Legends and Legends in their ranks shone through in the end.

    It was a match played in the best of spirits.  The feedback from both sides was great and new friends have been made along the way.  I'd like to thank and congratulate Mightyred and his team on their victory and for being so helpful in arranging matches.  I'm sure there will be a rematch in the future.


    9 Hole Matchplay, Bethpage Black Front 9


    mightyred(L) v Eviltwinn820(L) mightred wins 4&3 
    sarak362336(TL) v Fonde (TL) sarak362336 wins 3&2 
    SPINO1(TL) v Poppagolf(L) SPIN01 wins 3&2 
    Mike3226(TL) v Stevietimestwo(TL) Tie not completed 
    russellfahey(L) v Affo(M) russellfahey wins 2&1 
    jacko1972(L) v Talluin(L) Jacko1972 wins 3&2 
    DougieWaugh(TL) v Scallywag(L) DougieWaugh wins 2&1 
    Grumpy53(L) v Spanishfox(TM) Grumpy53 wins 1up 
    billyeva(L) v ptrenter(L) ptrenter wins 2&1 
    DoubleEagleRob(TL) v Mike9950(L) DoubleEagleRob wins 2up 
    bristowpegs(L) v Blackcat13(L) Blackcat13 wins 2&1 
    russellfahey(L) v Inglefield(L) russellfahey wins 4&3 
    mightyred(L) v garydarby3022(M) mightyred wins 3&2 
    Jacko1972(L) v Hamner1961(L) Jack01972 wins 2up 

  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Mon, Aug 11 2014 8:19 AM

    It's been a busy few months on the Inter CC front.  We've taken a few poundings but also sneaked a win along the way.  Our results so far:

    SEL 2.5 - 11.5 English Lakes

    SEL 2-14 Double Eagle

    SEL 7-9 The Madrid Golf Club

    SEL 7-12 The Madrid Golf Club. Round 2.

    SEL 9.5-7.5 Las Vegas Knights

    SEL 10.5-10.5 XTW

    SEL 2-11 UK Golfers Elite(in progress)

    We bit off more than we could chew a few times but all good fun at the end of the day.

    Our team currently numbers 15 with 2 TLs, a barrow full of Legends plus a few TMs and below.  Give me a shout or reply on here if your club fancies a match.

  • bobby58lucas
    164 Posts
    Tue, Aug 12 2014 7:31 AM

    Hi Paul,

    Freedom fields are up for a challenge we too can field around 20 very similar tiers to you .. 18 hole match play is fine. I was once a member of SEL so be nice to visit a few old friends .

    If you would like to send me over your 20 . tier.average and nationality, i will match best i can and send it back to you for approval and confirmation of details etc



  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Tue, Aug 12 2014 11:03 AM

    Paul, im moving along with my colleagues and should not be long before i can contact you for date mate

    Bubbs, Clubbanditos

  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Mon, Sep 1 2014 7:46 AM

    Another close match, this time against Freedom Fields is nearing it's conclusion.

    We don't like to stand still on the Inter CC front for too long so if interested in a match please reply here, post on my wall or send over a friend request and we'll sort something out.