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What if ?? V.E.M. was disabled?

Tue, Apr 15 2014 1:05 PM (60 replies)
  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 10:18 AM

    The problem there is, not too many people are going to stick around to be high 70s low 80s golfers in a video game.

    This ^^^

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 10:41 AM

    The problem there is, not too many people are going to stick around to be high 70s low 80s golfers in a video game.  

    Considering the above, what do you think of the comments below re swing meters:

    Dedbunny points out the errors in the games programming and how to fix them, and putting in a different swing meter solves the problems of swing meter cheats and glitches.  Two problems solved.

    Sure, players still have to learn the other skills of the game, reading greens etc etc, but what Dedbunny talks about fixing seem to me to be two main problems with this game.  As long as they are there, these arguments will keep coming up.

    The third problem is multi accounters.  The only way of cutting down on those is to monitor the results sections in the open competitions for the lower tiers.



    This game is so easy to 'repair'. WGT is employing a swing meter that is far far too basic for a game such as golf. It's a 3-state click activated asset and in the world of 'flash coding' it don't any more basic than that........................."    

     "..................................The only reason Cheat Engine would work is because whoever coded this game didn't assign proper locking conditions on certain assets.   The only reason.   Did not completely think out all case scenarios so that certain assets remain embedded within the game window and there for are open to manipulation without proper conditioning applied......."

    "I can  guaranty  you one thing, shooting 52's over and over would be a thing of the past........................."  



    My whooooole reason for posting in any of these threads is to simply point out that the game could be so much nicer, more fun, more difficult would WGT incorporate a 'swipe/release' type of swing meter I think.

    You really couldn't do velocity, I think that given the scope of the game itself that would be asking a lot of the game engine etc. But certainly having a meter where you click - drag/swipe - release to complete your swing within a target activated area is well within the capabilities of Flash. 

    The cheating aspect would simply be for the most part, in my mind, moot


      Why not make the game really great? Pay to have a proper meter design/coded, pay the money to have it secured properly. That meter alone would be a reason to buy top gear, or use gear which suited your 'swing' style.  



  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 10:42 AM


    The problem there is, not too many people are going to stick around to be high 70s low 80s golfers in a video game.

    This ^^^

    Careful what we wish for, what would it entail to get the scores higher. They would have to remove the ability to make a good shot and make it a complete lottery. The extent it is a lottery now is already gone to far for many players.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 10:58 AM

    Considering the above, what do you think of the comments below re swing meters:

    I don't know enough about that stuff to have an opinion. I'm of the school that WGT didn't hire High School kids to do their bidding and that they know what they're doing. Anything you read here is certainly not news to them.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 11:47 AM

    Would be interesting to see the outcome.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 11:51 AM

    Careful what we wish for, what would it entail to get the scores higher.

    Too late now, they can't unscramble that egg. However, eliminating the average saturation at the TL level  would help to bring a little more realism into play.

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 12:29 PM

    they can't unscramble that egg.

    Feed our scrambled egg to a hen, and tomorrow she'll lay us a new egg. Her metabolism will break down the complex scrambled egg molecules into simpler ones and reconstitute them, with losses of course, into a new, raw egg.

    A little 'outside the box' thinking may be required, but it is possible. ;)

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 12:35 PM



    The problem there is, not too many people are going to stick around to be high 70s low 80s golfers in a video game.

    This ^^^

    Careful what we wish for, what would it entail to get the scores higher. They would have to remove the ability to make a good shot and make it a complete lottery. The extent it is a lottery now is already gone to far for many players.


    That's what YJ was saying and I agreed with him, it's a bad idea and a non-starter.

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 1:39 PM

    On and on and on and on...  :-)

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Apr 15 2014 11:06 AM

    I took most of the day off from the forums yesterday so I just now notice Dubfore's attempt to explain what "a "swing meter that incorporates a 'live space, partial cursor motion dedicated'  swing meter" means:


    In plain english to me, that is,  "A swing meter that is tasked to register any motion in the active area that the cursor operates." 

    Give up andy son, go and play some golf, that is after all why you joined WGT.

    Still fail.  Its obvious it has something(unknown) to do with moving the mouse/cursor!  But what does it do with it?  Nowhere did he say the motion is registered.  Only said it incorporates partial motion.  Assuming it does track the mouse position, then what?  What do you imagine the game would do with that data?  Yep, imagine.  Because its not stated.  Its still gibberish.

    You've gone "All In" on an idea you still don't get.  You have no idea if the different swing meter is even possible.  Right now the game can't smoothly draw a skinny little progress bar for most players.  Assuming the new swing meter tracks mouse movement, will it be able to smoothly track it?  Will it still draw a progress bar as well?

    Give it up Dub fore, go and play some golf.