Premed:So tell me what i am doing wrong ???
He told you: You posted the same thing too often.
No matter how serious you are, one post at the right place is enough. It's o.k. to bump it after a few days if the resonance is meagre but starting in different places tears the answers apart, thus is not welcome.
And, you won't alert WGT in any way by posting here. They have shown often enough that they don't discuss in public concerning the disconnections and lost credits! Once in a while they reply "clear cache..." but that was it. The only positive indication is rumour spread by a user stating that CS would have announced to him in PM that some change would happen this week. While I do not doubt the statement there was no official response. So, how true was the announcement?
You may have a chance for some sort of reimbursement via CS (see "Contact" below) - the best of luck to you!