yes, no wind is prone to deviations just as much as with wind. I seen some puzzling results in past as well, but that's because if you hit early with left to right wind and have a left deviation, you may have a great shot... without wind, you will not
That would be logical IF... I take extensive notes on all my approach shots, but I only keep notes on dinged shots, these are from my notes (and are only a small sample) all of the following were dinged.
St George
Dist Elev Wind
Fm Pin Aim Club Offset BS/TS Result
+12ft 0 -----
B/L 123(-2) 9i
2L 100%B 11ft+
123 +9ft 0
----- B/L 120(-3)
PW 2L 0%N 12ft-
103 +8ft 0
----- B/L 104(-2)
56W 3L 0%N
-8ft 0 -----
Cent 239(+1) 3W
4R 100%B 17ft+L
241 -8ft 0
----- Cent 239(+1)
3W 4R 100%B 6.9ft-R
+4ft 0 -----
B/CR 248(-1) 3W
5L 0%N 13ft-RR
+3ft 0 -----
B/CR 250 3W 13L 0%N 18ft+ Fringe
+3ft 0 -----
B/CR Max250 3W
13L 0%N
To me some of these shots make no sense, all were dinged in no wind.
1. I'm lying my butt off. (I can discount this but you can't).
2. I'm insane. (I couldn't know if this is true so will discount it).
3. The wind is still there only we cannot read it as the meter is set to 0.
4. The precision for my clubs is altered in no wind rounds.
I suspect #3 but whatever I will no longer be playing no wind competitions.