it does for me...seems like 40-50% less deviation...getting your mind to do it is the bigger problem for me lol.
This is exactly what "smart missing" does. If you go back and look at those circles in the link I posted you can see where a dinged shot theoretically can land. Now, missing on the up wind side is going to keep you in that relevant part of the circle-the half on one side of the pin. Your odds of landing there dramatically improve. That's your 40-50% less deviation-you took 1/2 the circle out of play.
I always did find it odd that in No Wind tournaments the arrow still had a direction. I used to use that direction to determine where to miss if I didn't ding, erring on the side of caution.
On getting your mind to do it?-conceptualize the swing. See in your mind's eye what you want to happen first. It gives your brain a head start in the execution. You might miss by more than you want but at least you're on the "smart" side of the ding and it doesn't hurt as bad. More often than not you get a decent result.