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Lets clear the doubt

Fri, Jun 13 2014 9:42 AM (62 replies)
  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 4:24 AM


    I work in IT, and have even designed low-level games myself (nothing that would ever be considered marketable). Since you want to question my skills for some odd reason, I will respond this one time. If you would spend more time playing and learning this game (2 years!!!!!), you would have Legend stats, also. I am a good person, I do not argue with people, but I will defend myself. You have more posts in the forum than you have ranked rounds!!! Plus, you haven't posted a score in 2 months, yet you "think" you have the right to question someone who obviously puts a LOT MORE EFFORT into learning the game.


    Well for starters I do apologize I mislooked at the profiles when I posted as my comment which initially was meant for the stupid  OP but since your reply I will address a few things.

    #1. I am at Legend tier and have been for well over not quite 1 1/2 years.

    #2. Unlike you I earned every little drop in average for every tier to get to Legend not by taking the easy road  through the RG/ match play easy route.. To me this is the biggest Bastardization of this once fine game.

    #3. You talk about effort, learning, putting the time in, ranked rounds. Had you have not taken the easy route to legend you would know just how much time and effort it really takes to lower ones average to get to legend but unless you quit and start over YOU will never know.

    #4. Yep I have more posts than ranked rounds and haven't played a round in a couple of months. You see like everyone else who's been around for a couple of years or more I started this game with zeal, time and effort playing for hours on end playing practice rounds, Alt shot, Skins and the ranked rounds needed to chip away at every little fraction of average all the way to Legend. Of course you will just now begin your journey to have an inkling of that as it is 500 ranked rounds to Tour Legend and no RG or Match Play games can help. So for now my disenchantment with WGT's Bastardization of a once rewarding game has reach the point of my taking a Hiatus from playing and on occasion I peruse the forums.

    #5. Yep like anyone else who made it the hard way having put the time and effort and knowing Exactly what kind of REAL effort it  takes then I do think it gives me and others the right to question some with low averages that have played 6 months or less. The match play tiering really isn't your fault I blame WGT's Bastardization for that Faux Paux but that doesn't mean I respect people who take shortcuts.

    1,533 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 4:42 AM


    I recorded a number of rounds and put them on youtube a couple years ago.  It should be pretty easy to ascertain from viewing them that I'm not cheating. 

    And later this year they are having 4 players compete live in front of the cameras for the virtual tour finale.  I'd love to make the top 4 and go to FL but it will be very difficult with so many talented players out there now.

    I've watched all of your you-tube video's & a lot of the other guy's too,Thank you for putting them on there I learnt some very useful things to help my game,For instance which lines to take etc obviously it's down to us how we use this info & how good we become too,Keep up the good work fellas.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 4:43 AM

    I agree OBR, I did it the hard way too, and very rewarding it was to make it before WGT fvked up tiering up.

    TL is a long road for one like me of average ability, but I will be happy to do it with no shortcuts.

    The OP is a toss.

  • NiFromFb
    89 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 5:19 AM

    Well for starters I do apologize I mislooked at the profiles when I posted as my comment which initially was meant for the stupid  OP but since your reply I will address a few things.

    First, I apologize for my comment to you. I was a little baffled at why I was being singled out, being as I was defending the top players, and trying to let the OP know he needed to work on a few things. After seeing your post about the 59 going to 71, I quickly realized that you must have confused our profiles. I usually stay out of the forums (posting, anyway-I do read them every time I'm on, as there is some very valuable advice some times).

    And, yes, you probably did have to do it via a much harder route. I don't doubt that at all. I respect that. It's not my fault that the game has changed as far as how WGT promotes players. I don't think I've ever played a MP game. Maybe 1 or 2 Blitz (don't like it). And, I played a little AS when I was a pro/tour pro. I played a FEW RG's. I won a Tiered Monthly Tournament, and one of the Virtual Tour Tourneys and was promoted. I am enjoying being a Legend more than I have enjoyed any other tier. I'm not winning anything anymore, but I'm very much enjoying the game and the challenge. I am blessed and was able to get the best equipment for my levels as I worked my way up. I found out quickly that the equipment makes a huge difference. 

    Your stats, and whether you play or post in the forum is none of my business, and I apologize. I was too quick to go on the offensive. I can't grasp your frustration because I didn't have it as hard as you coming through the ranks.

    I really want to figure this game out. Heck, I've been in bed, and thought of something I could do differently, and wrote it down, and tried it the next day. I'm sure you've done the same thing.  I am going to try to edit my post. I's embarrassing to me to have it on here. If I can do anything for you, let me know. Knowledge-wise, you know more than me, so I can't help you there.

    I hope this makes things right. And maybe one day we can play a round or two.



  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 5:30 AM

    Play a few rounds will he is there and show everyone how good he is.

    I've played a few rounds with Mr Bollox in the past. All with the same result. Missed birdies are as rare as a chicken's lips or hen's teeth.

    To all who've played him or watched him play, he has nothing to prove to anyone.


  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 10:42 AM


    Play a few rounds will he is there and show everyone how good he is.

    I've played a few rounds with Mr Bollox in the past. All with the same result. Missed birdies are as rare as a chicken's lips or hen's teeth.

    To all who've played him or watched him play, he has nothing to prove to anyone.


    well well well. welcome back

  • C4RLY
    31 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 10:58 AM

    I cannot sing as well as Elvis Presley did, he must have cheated!!

    He must have!!!!!


  • salamii
    1,058 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 12:01 PM

    BB's profile picture says it all.  

  • grumpyolddom
    384 Posts
    Fri, May 2 2014 2:55 PM


    With all due respect I have to disagree with you. Just a little. The o.p. original post I think was about certain players always shooting extremely well. And other players not. I have watched most of Bollox's videos and none of them prove one way or the other that he is not cheating. Now before all the trolls get all fired up and attack me. Let me explain I am not saying that he cheats! What I am saying is that just because you put a video on here does not prove that you don't cheat. It is like the driver that follows the speed limit when he know a cop is watching!

      His videos only show that he can do things in this game that most others can't. If I was able to hit the ding 98% of the time. I'm sure my score would improve. If I could do that there would be no reason to cheat.  The only time he misses a ding is if it will not effect his shot much or if he wants too. These are the reasons why he shoots so well. If all my approach shots were less than 6 ft from the pin i am sure my putting stats would improve. 

    I agree that it takes time to learn this game. But what I don't understand is when you read about VEM everyone always says it effects the better players and not newbies? If that is correct then why do the same high level players keep shooting unbelievably low scores? It never seems to effect them?

    It has to be more than 5th grade math. I have seen Tiger Woods and other great golfers play tournaments. And I could go out and hit 80.000 putts and play 6000 rounds and hit 1000 balls a day! And I still would not be as good or even close to their level of play! I watched  Bollox hit clubs into a headwind of 12 to 15 mph with full back spin and makes it carry farther than the club is rated for by 20 yards. When I do that it ALWAYS comes up shorter than club distance? So he must know something that other players don't! Like perhaps there is a hill and if you hit the backside it will roll out farther? Watched his putting style he lines up putts under 6 ft by not even moving marker leaves it dead center but then misses ding on high side. I have tried this and my putts slide by on high side?? 

      So all I can say is Bollox is a great player and I wish that someday I could be that good. But I know that will never happen. Now let the flaming begin!!

                                                  Good Luck

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, May 3 2014 3:24 PM

    I watched  Bollox hit clubs into a headwind of 12 to 15 mph with full back spin and makes it carry farther than the club is rated for by 20 yards.


      If you could find that video, please post a link and approx time it happened, I can see that on a few tee shots with a 3wood in some places, but I've a feeling you missed something (last sec club selection most likely) while watching.