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Lets clear the doubt

Fri, Jun 13 2014 9:42 AM (62 replies)
  • TicaMC03
    36 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 1:17 PM

    I don't know what to think of the players in here sometimes. I've played Yoban and won in match play b4 against him. Am I better than him.....HELL NO! Am I a legend that earned his stripes by playing for 100 days in a row several I've spent literally 1000s of dollars to equip myself with the best stuff and have never shyed away from playing really good players.

    Now for my question. I sometimes go weeks without getting a bogey. I play very conservative and it limits putting me in bad situations. I have made the finals in the brackets several times....only to lose all the time.....because of bogies. I just had 5 in one round and finished 2 under at Merion. That's strange since I play there a lot. Is this vaguely familiar to anyone or do I just

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 1:37 PM

    The person who posted this thread , doesnt even have a clue .Bollox played that tourney , 6xs .Highest score was a 53 .They also missed the fact , that he has also been playing for over 5 years now , with 44,850.49 in career earnings .Will I ever get that good , no way , as I dont want to play that hard . If I have to sit down , and start using calculators , spread sheets , slide rulers , and such too play , thats when I will quit .Then I will go take up something easy , like nuclear physics . He doesnt have to cheat , he has put his time in , and then some . My 2 cents

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 1:59 PM


    The person who posted this thread , doesnt even have a clue .Bollox played that tourney , 6xs .Highest score was a 53 .They also missed the fact , that he has also been playing for over 5 years now , with 44,850.49 in career earnings .Will I ever get that good , no way , as I dont want to play that hard . If I have to sit down , and start using calculators , spread sheets , slide rulers , and such too play , thats when I will quit .Then I will go take up something easy , like nuclear physics . He doesnt have to cheat , he has put his time in , and then some . My 2 cents

    I probably used up almost 100 nikes playing the Elk, although probably half of them were when the ball was red hitting it into the stream on 1 trying to leave a 14 yard pitch :)  As far as the other stuff I don't use any calculator, spreadsheet, rulers, nadda, just get up and whack it.

  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 2:09 PM

    Bollox, I've been following your accomplishments here on WGT since 2010.  I'd love to get a game with you sometime if that would be possible!

  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 4:05 PM

    just get up and whack it.

    refreshing to hear..!.....atta boy......!!

    as for the OP, I'll keep it to one word......'prat'...


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 10:55 PM

    I think Sam's replies to this thread lend credence that a great player, can be a great person as well.


  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 2:54 AM

    In defence of the OP,  I think he was having a bad day. He has subsequently posted an apology here.

    Granted, if the apology had been in this thread, there wouldn't have been the amount of criticism.

    With respect to Sam.   It is very refreshing to hear that those scores are achieved without the use of spreadsheets and a calculator.  No offence to those who have taken the time to collect all their notes, but to me the fun is in just playing.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 3:41 AM

    but to me the fun is in just playing.

    +1 Steve!

    409 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 4:34 AM

    After 4 years of playing I have came to this conclusion.  To win a Big Prize Tourney here at Wgt.      Your going to have to beat Bullox and Dan. Now don't get me wrong they don't win them all.   But there always in it,  and to win you have  go through them.      

     Now this is my tip for you to go about doing that.    All big prize tourneys are played Unlimited Round 1 and Single Play Round 2.   Starting day 1 of the month you have to stay dedicated to the tourney.  Take notes on every hole to get those approach shots down pat so that when you go back and shoot it over and over in Round 1.  You will have notes to fall back on to help with winds and stick it close on approach shots.  

       I know for fact Bullox and Dan use to take notes every hole.   Now a days there so good they have those shots memorized in there heads. 

    So then Round 2 starts.  Now WGT always flirts with the winds and green speeds to make a more challenging Round 2.     But you still have your notes to fall back on,   and since you have been playing the tourney over and over like Bullox said .  (he wasted over 100 nikes playing the Elks)   Your memory on some of those approach shots will help a lot.   

    The overall Tip is to take a lot of notes.   You have a whole month to get those approach shots down pat.   And in there lies the secret to them shooting so low.     heres my example.

                              Pinehurst  Front 9  Virtual Qualifier

    Hole1-Par4-     After the tee shot I was 99 yards away.   wind was 9mph <     said it was playing 5ft uphill.     I used my 100 wedge.  3/4 backspin on the ball  and full power.  was a good shot left me 3.5 ft away.   

    Hole 2- Par4-    After tee shot I was left with 136 yards away.  Wind 12 ^ .   The elevation said 4ft downhill.    I used my 125 PW and barely any back spin just a hair.  and then I hit it full power .  was dandy shot 1.3 ft away. 


    In there lies the key to shooting low.        Due to the fact that some of the holes lie and say 4ft downhill but play like its uphill 4ft.     Your notes there will become key Because once you figure out what WGT wants you to hit to stick your approach close that info is very valuable.  When others don't know what club  to hit and  what spin to use but you do it is a huge advantage.   Again some of those holes lie and play uphill but say downhill.        

         And not just in Tourneys.   A great set of notes is something all the top players use.   To beat them maybe they will let you take a peek ...LOL  


     P.S.   Back in the day I use to use my notes to dominant Ladder 9 on WGTLS.  But threw them away after a much needed break from WGT.     They took me months to write.  I wish I had them now.       Im just not willing to put in the work and labor of getting them all back .   It takes forever to get accurate ones.  Because remember you only wanna write down when you hit the shot real close all the bad shots aren't worth writing down.  

  • grumpyolddom
    384 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 7:37 PM

    It should be very interesting to see if WGT will allow calculators, rulers, spread sheets Putter pals and any other aides when they have the  4 top players compete in Las Vegas?? For all the money.  Would have to allow wind calculators, and putter programs like Kat's aide.  Should not effect anyone who justs gets up and whacks it.

     But if players use these aides and have some running on computer at home will they bring their own computers with them?? Also maybe they could bring the computers with the slow meters. 

                                                            Just wondering