Oldbayrunner: Well for starters I do apologize I mislooked at the profiles when I posted as my comment which initially was meant for the stupid OP but since your reply I will address a few things.
First, I apologize for my comment to you. I was a little baffled at why I was being singled out, being as I was defending the top players, and trying to let the OP know he needed to work on a few things. After seeing your post about the 59 going to 71, I quickly realized that you must have confused our profiles. I usually stay out of the forums (posting, anyway-I do read them every time I'm on, as there is some very valuable advice some times).
And, yes, you probably did have to do it via a much harder route. I don't doubt that at all. I respect that. It's not my fault that the game has changed as far as how WGT promotes players. I don't think I've ever played a MP game. Maybe 1 or 2 Blitz (don't like it). And, I played a little AS when I was a pro/tour pro. I played a FEW RG's. I won a Tiered Monthly Tournament, and one of the Virtual Tour Tourneys and was promoted. I am enjoying being a Legend more than I have enjoyed any other tier. I'm not winning anything anymore, but I'm very much enjoying the game and the challenge. I am blessed and was able to get the best equipment for my levels as I worked my way up. I found out quickly that the equipment makes a huge difference.
Your stats, and whether you play or post in the forum is none of my business, and I apologize. I was too quick to go on the offensive. I can't grasp your frustration because I didn't have it as hard as you coming through the ranks.
I really want to figure this game out. Heck, I've been in bed, and thought of something I could do differently, and wrote it down, and tried it the next day. I'm sure you've done the same thing. I am going to try to edit my post. I's embarrassing to me to have it on here. If I can do anything for you, let me know. Knowledge-wise, you know more than me, so I can't help you there.
I hope this makes things right. And maybe one day we can play a round or two.