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Schip It To The Cup - Now Recruiting All Skill Levels

Wed, Apr 30 2014 2:41 PM (0 replies)
  • AlecksHR
    1 Posts
    Wed, Apr 30 2014 2:41 PM

    This is a country club starting originally with people who play online poker together.  This is where the name comes from.  Ship It is a common poker term, so did a mix with chip and ship.


    We are looking for more members to add to the fun of country club tournaments.  Must play 2 tournaments a month to stay in the club as we want active members.  Skill level can be whatever.  I just started myself a little less than three weeks ago on this game. 


    We also play together via voice communication, if you're interested in possibly doing so.  Have a lot of fun matches with handicaps in place.