StevieBoneman:BTW, do a little research here and you will see that I am not the only one who has pointed similar problems out.
Thanks again for the warm condescending welcome... have a nice day. :)
And doing a bit of research is all anyone has really suggested you do yourself. I can hit just fine out of what you described because Ik what shot to hit. If you're in brush, best thing to do is use a wedge and get back to the FW best you can.
Other than that, I've found a way to hit from every other type of rough, lie, etc. except Brush. And, it's too bad you consider remarks made here to be condescending, because what they have been are the facts on how this game plays. It seems you are the one unwilling to adapt to the way this game plays, because you've played so many golf games you shouldn't have to? That's called arrogance, and arrogance is a precursor to condescension so, psychologically, all you're doing is complaining about something you probably do quite often to others.
PPl are very helpful here, if only you are willing to listen and are eager to learn, which, at least in this thread, I've seen no indication of that from you. So, good luck figuring out how to hit from Fescue at St. Andrew's. It's easy too, and guaranteed to save many strokes over a period of time. Have Fun!