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I would like to see TL ranking by GIR

Tue, May 20 2014 6:57 PM (109 replies)
  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 5:45 AM

    Where is the official  proof or math behind these stat from WGT? 

    I am only analysing how these stat created so i can understand clearly. 

    Any WGT official guru with all formula for these stats?. I think WGT should provide all info not selected info and formula. 

    Until i see formula how they got 0.65% from both of us. Show me mathematics. Same mathematics for both of us. Same 0.65. I might have putted more , we both hit exact %. You all assuming he attempted less and thats why he is same level otherwise he will be more. Its pure assumption. More attempt do not make your % go up. 

    May be you guys are thinking something else ? I am not comparing dan as player , i am only talking about single stat  25-50 foot %. , it does not matter how less he attempted or how many times  more i attempted , percentage is percentage.

    You guys are probably saying more i am was away i get more chances...but avg is putts made/attempt 

    I checked randomly all top players .and even few top legend and tour one close. 

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 5:48 AM



    Copied from your other thread so you can't possibly miss it or further misunderstand.

    The putting stats are obscure and represent the percentage of putts you have holed from that distance out of the total putts you have taken. Eg. out of 2000 putts taken in the game from all distances, 0.65% means you have holed 13 from 25+ feet out of all those putts. In your case it is because you have hit maybe 200 approaches out of 2000 to 25+ feet and missed 187 of them. In DSCs case it is because he has hit maybe 26 approaches out of 2000 to 25+ feet and holed half of them.


    I may be being a bit dim here, I usually am, but why don't they add up to 100%?


    Bumped onto new page, didn't want to get lost.


  • Andivo
    835 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 6:22 AM

    These are my statistics putt

    % Putts Made from    0-5   Feet       45.31%
    % Putts Made from    5-10  Feet      9.79%
    % Putts Made from    10 -25 Feet   4.91%
    % Putts Made from   25-50   Feet   0.39%
    % Putts Made from    50 + feet        0.03%

    What kind of player am I to you?

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 6:23 AM


    I may be being a bit dim here, I usually am, but why don't they add up to 100%?

    Exactly because of the explanation I have given. The stats represent the percentage of putts you have holed from that distance out of ALL the putts you have taken in WGT. If you knew the percentages of all the putts you have missed from those distances and added those on you would get to 100%.

    And to Alex, believe me or don't. It is your choice whether you wish accept and understand or continue to disbelieve, be confused, and labour under the illusion that you are as good from 25+ feet as one the game's best ever putters. But I would add that it is blatantly obvious that what I say is correct. Every good player's 0-5ft stat is a little under 50%. This is clearly not possible if it represented a percentage of putts holed from that distance (or putts made/ attempts as you put it). If you missed every single first one and holed the resulting tap in you would at least be on 50% if this stat was putts made/attempts!! Sometimes you actually have to use your brain and think about things in a logical fashion without them being spoon-fed to you.

    Here is an example of what my stats would might like with the missed putts included. They now all add up to 100%. The %ages continue to be out of the total putts hit. Without these percentages of missed putts the WGT stats are largely useless from the point of view of any meaningful analysis: 

    % Putts Made from 0 - 5 Feet 48.35%   Putts missed from 0-5 ft    1%
    % Putts Made from 5 - 10 Feet 17.88%   Putts missed from 5-10 ft  7.53%
    % Putts Made from 10 -25 Feet 7.56%     Putts missed from 10-25 ft 15%
    % Putts Made from 25 - 50 Feet 0.36%     Putts missed from 25-50 ft 2%
    % Putts Made from 50+ Feet 0.02%     Putts missed from 50+ ft     0.3%
  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 6:52 AM

    Exactly because of the explanation I have given. The stats represent the percentage of putts you have holed from that distance out of ALL the putts you have taken in WGT. If you knew the percentages of all the putts you have missed from those distances and added those on you would get to 100%.

    I did say I was bit dim at times, thanks for the explanation fm.

  • mjrgt03
    2,414 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 7:49 AM

    See if this helps.

    Let's say I play an 18-hole round and have 23 total putts while hitting every green.  That means I made 18 putts and missed 5 - don't forget the misses.  For that round, my putting stats would look like this:

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 12:38 PM

    That means WGT stat is useless. its not made/attempts for particular status. 

    I was thinking WGT stat can be useful in analysing skills. Based on above explanation it only show how much distance to hole on putts made. 

    I think WGT should provide made/attempt on every category.


  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 12:51 PM


    That means WGT stat is useless. 

    I think WGT should provide made/attempt on every category.

    Correct. The only useful comparison you can make is to find someone else with an ave distance from the pin of 18ft like yourself and see how your putting stats compare to them. Otherwise you are not comparing like with like.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 12:54 PM

    That means WGT stat is useless


    I think I began mentioning that a few pages ago;)

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 12:54 PM

    got it fmagnets . Also thanks bollox. 

    Now lets play match play.  :)