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MLB challenge. You could win GI-SD Vapor balls!

Mon, Apr 4 2011 11:46 PM (269 replies)
  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 6:26 PM

    Wow. Both Halladay and Lincecum are struggling  a little bit. That's not really like either of them. Well first off, I don't know what the hell that bunt was that Roy had. That was clearly foul. But they didn't call it that way and they moved the runners up just like they planned on doing. And thats another thing. In a earlier post I said one of the things that Philly had to do was be way more aggressive on the basepaths. And they are. They just can't let up at all. Well it's 3-2 Phillies now in the top half of the fifth inning. I'm sure those 3 runs of the Phillies are not going to hold up. So I will say it once more...COME ON PHILLY!!!!!!!!! Focus. Don't get ahead of yourself and take this one inning and one pitch at a time. You guys know you can win this game. Just execute the fundamentals. And before you know it Brad Lidge will be throwing the final pitch across the plate for a strikeout to end the game and give the Phillies the win.

  • yakker
    7 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 8:09 PM

    Damn I hate seeing it on the line with Lidge there........  C'mon guy, be sharp.  Gotta get my prediction there.

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 9:14 PM

                 Whew! That was too close for comfort. Well my Phillies win one, finally in San Francisco. The series is now 3-2 Giants. I gotta be honest. When San Francisco went up 1-0 in the first inning you could actually here from 3000 miles away the Philly fans giving one big collective "BOOOOOOOOO". When Freddy Sanchez came across the plate to score for the Giants I literally said "here we **cking go again"! But thank the lord for Pat "the bat" Burrell striking out to end that threat. What  was Burrell yelling at Halladay for? I mean yeah Roy was looking his way but then Pat copped a attitude about it and said something to Roy. But Roy being Roy he just kept on walking towards the dugout but also kept on staring and probably pissing Burrell off even more. Then there was that foul ball that Halladay bunted that should of been called foul but the umpire never said anything! It apparantley was a fair ball. But you could tell it was foul because Roy just stood there and didn't start running till the ball was at third base. And then he was just jogging to first. Like it didn't matter to him whether he was safe or not because all he was supposed to do was move the baserunners up a base each. Which he did. But I think I may be putting my foot in my mouth because you really couldn't see Roy once he decided to move to first base. I know he is a fierce competitor and I'll just chalk him running to first base up to I couldn't see him the entire way so he probably slowed down while the ball was in mid-air between third and first. 

                So after that crazy inning in the third we were up 3-1. It wasn't till the bottom half of the fourth inning when that damn Philly killer Cody Ross doubled to right field which plated Burrell and made the score 3-2. And here is what surprised me the most. It stayed that way until the top of the ninth inning. I even posted something back when they were playing in the fifth inning stating that the 3-2 score wouldn't hold up. Boy was I wrong. I mean wow!!! I really can't believe that the score remained 3-2 till Jayson Werth slammed a solo shot into the San Francisco night in right field! Which gave Brad Lidge a insurance run and I think helped to take a little pressure off of him. Because at that point Lidge could afford one mistake and all wouldn't of been lost. And did anybody take notice to my prediction that I made on the post that I made during the fifth inning? I said that Brad Lidge would end this game with a strikeout!!! And "holy cow" happened!

                  Uh oh. This just in. I just heard some bad news on the MLB Network. Roy Halladay suffered a minor groin pull back in the second inning. Will that keep him from pitching with the kind of stuff we all know he has? Will he pitch anymore? I'm sure he will. But I really hope he is very careful. We can't afford anymore injurys this year. We had plenty. Give the injurys to the Giants. Let them get hit by the injury bug. I tell you what the difference was in this game. The bullpens! Plain and simple. San Francisco's bullpen went 2 innings, gave up 2 hits, 1 run, while walking 1, and striking out 2. Not a bad performance by any stretch of the imagination. But the Philadelphia bullpen went 3 innings, gave up 1 hit, no runs, while walking nobody, and striking out 5!! Ryan Madson, our set up man, was lights out. He struck out the side in the eighth inning. And then Brad "Lights Out" Lidge came in and slammed the door on the Giants by striking out the final batter of the game and earning him the save.

                    Well awesome job Phillies, but you guys still have a long way to go. Like I have said before take it one game at a time. Execute. And be aggressive but don't overly force the big play. You guys are the 2 time defending NL champions for a reason. And although you haven't been in a elimination situation in the NLCS you guys know how to come back and win 3 in a row. But for now focus on Saturday's game. No need to think about game 7 because there are no guarantees in this game. So congratualtions to the Phillies and their fans (hey thats me :)) and lets all start sending positive thoughts towards Citizen's Bank Park in favor of the Phillies.Oh boy and lets not forget about the other game. Friday night at 8pm EST the Rangers play host to the Yankees in a crucial must win game 6 for New York. Phil Hughes vs. Colby Lewis. I predict that their will be a game 7 on Saturday night. But I guess we will see.

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 9:22 PM

    Damn I hate seeing it on the line with Lidge there........  C'mon guy, be sharp.

    I know what you mean man. But the last 2 months of the season, Lidge has gotten back to being "Lights Out". So if he is out there in game 6 and game 7 with 1 run leads then I would gladly take my chances with him. Charlie has all the confidence in the world in this guy. And there are many reasons as to why we "shouldn't" have confidence in him, but I'm going with Charlie on this one. I just hope he doesn't turn into a Mitch Williams of 1993. That would be a tough one to swallow if he blew a save. But lets not think like that. Positive thoughts....positive thoughts!!

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Fri, Oct 22 2010 6:59 AM

    Thought I would share this with everybody. I listen or watch the radio program "Mike and Mike in the Morning". You can watch it on ESPN2. I was in the car this morning and somebody had a great analogy about that 3rd inning yesterday and Pablo Sandoval trying to find third base. Can't remember who said this but somebody said "Pablo Sandoval was trying to find third base with his foot like somebody trying to find the toilet in the middle of the night". LOL!! I heard that and I just couldn't stop laughing. It just tickled my funny bone the right way! Anyways well back to work. We got big games coming up here within the next 3 days, today included. Looking forward to tonights matchup and hope it goes 7 games. I think alot of people would love to see this series go 7 games and see the pitching matchup of Andy Pettitte vs. Cliff Lee. Also not only would I love to see this, obviously, but I think also alot of people would love to see the San Francisco Philadelphia series go 7 games. How great for baseball would that be if both series went the full 7 games. And also how amazing would that be if both the Yankees and the Phillies came back and won their series. I mean wow!! Well...I don't want to get ahead of myself here so I just have to focus on game 6 first. Because there is no game 7 without a win in game 6. Everything will be sorted out by Monday morning and I for one am on the edge of my seat cautiously waiting in great anticipation of what could be. Check back here later on tonight for my post game comments on game 6 of the ALCS.

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Fri, Oct 22 2010 8:52 PM

                     A big CONGRATULATIONS goes out to the American League Champion Texas Rangers!!!!!  Simply amazing!! If you would of told me that the Rangers would be going to the World Series in the beginning of the season I would of told you that you are nuts. And if you would of told me that they went through Tampa Bay and the defending World Champion New York Yankees I probably would of called the men in white coats to come and get ya. Wow! They got it done by executing the fundamentals. Timely hitting, great base running, pretty good defense, and pretty good pitching. I am quite impressed with that team they have down there. And I really don't think it's a fluke either. Well if they can somehow keep Cliff Lee then they should be in the playoffs for the next couple of years. They are a pretty young team. And there manager, Ron Washington, I think he managed a great ALCS. Lets just hope Nolan Ryan can keep the core players or this might be their one and only chance at a title for a while.

                       Hats off to Colby Lewis. He was just awesome. He went a strong 8 innings, and gave up just 3 hits which only amounted to 1 run. He also walked 3 and struckout 7. All eyes were on him and he performed. And a congratulations goes out to Josh Hamilton for earning the ALCS MVP. Here are the stats for Hamilton's MVP ALCS : He went 7 for 20, had 1 double, 4 homeruns, 7 RBI's, and scored 6 runs. He worked the count and walked 8 times and struckout just 4 times. He also swiped 3 bags.

                        The New York Yankees just didn't seem hungry this playoff season. They got outplayed in this series. To me they just seemed like they didn't really care if they won or not. Now I know they did care about winning but, they didn't show it. I don't know maybe I'm wrong. Just my opinion. That's too bad though. Because although I was rooting for Texas a small part of me would of liked to see the Yankee's win and go back to the series so that my Phillies (if they even make it) could get their revenge from last year. Well now that we know the Rangers are in the World Series representing the AL I gotta believe that the NL team, no matter which one, will have the advantage in the pitching catagory. So having said that the NL team wins the World Series. Who will be representing the NL? It's anybodys guess. I have heard arguments for both teams. And really today I heard pretty much everybody picking the Phillies. Analyists that I have been listening to have said that if the Giants were going to win this series they would of and should of done it in game 5. Well I pray they are right. But all it takes is one bad hop or one blown call or even one flat Phillies lineup to lose one more game. Hopefully and I can't tell you how bad I want this to happen, hopefully game 1 of the 2010 World Series is on a cool crisp Wednesday night in Philadelphia!

                          Congratulations to the Texas Rangers and good luck in the World Series. And in case anybody is curious, which I'm sure some are, there is only 1, yes 1, person left with a possible perfect prediction. "yakker" is that 1 person. But he is going to need some help. So lets all send positive thoughts his way and hope that his prediction comes true. I really really want him to win this contest and have a perfect prediction. He picked the Texas Rangers coming out of the AL and the Philadelphia Phillies coming out of the NL with the Philadelphia Phillies winning it all. I hope your right bud. Also if he is wrong and it's the Giants going to the World Series then that throws a bunch of people back in this thing. As then I would go by the people who picked 2 out of 3 correct teams. But hopefully I won't have to do that. Good luck "yakker"!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Oct 23 2010 5:55 AM

      The New York Yankees just didn't seem hungry this playoff season. They got outplayed in this series. To me they just seemed like they didn't really care if they won or not

    This is exactly how they've been playing for 2 months now. It is totally aggravating to watch, almost as if they think just because they're in pinstripes they'll get there. This is also why I didn't think they'd get as far as they did. There were 2 Yankee teams this year. One played the first half of the season and the second one showed up in late August to finish the marathon.

    There will be a few roster moves over the winter and I believe Cliff Lee will be throwing to Jose Montero next spring. That's the Yankees' style-go buy the guy that owns you on the mound and turn him into a .500 pitcher (witness AJ Burnett.) Carl Crawford might be in the mix, too, but I'm not crazy about him. 

    In the meantime there's some good baseball left and now Philly is on the hotseat. I have a hard time thinking they will lose to the Giants but I also see in the Giants the same thing I saw in the Rangers-hunger. While SF/Texas would not be as sexy as NY/Philly it would certainly be an entertaining match.

    Apologies for not getting excited about any of the matchups, I'm setting my count down timer to 121. That's the number of days left until pitchers and catchers report for Spring Training (2/21/11.)    :-)

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Sat, Oct 23 2010 11:13 AM

    Yanks are done, now I can start showing some interest in the WS again!

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sun, Oct 24 2010 12:09 AM

    Hope Yoda is okay...

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sun, Oct 24 2010 6:56 AM

    That had to be difficult for Yoda, but he is a good sport.  He'll look at the big picture.  Being a Mariners fan I share his disappointment.  Mine happened in May... his happened last night.