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MLB challenge. You could win GI-SD Vapor balls!

Mon, Apr 4 2011 11:46 PM (269 replies)
  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 8:05 AM


    DMM's a master at it-that's all Seattle fans do.   :-D


  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 8:14 AM

    YJ... yes, that's been true of late.  But I can remember 2001 when we only had to congratulate the other team 46 times during the regular season...

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 8:21 AM

    But I can remember 2001 when we only had to congratulate the other team 46 times during the regular season...

    Really? That was 2001? Oh wow...yeah I guess your right. Seems like ages ago that happened. I guess it seems longer becuase you really don't hear too much about the Mariners these days with the exception of who they are losing to lately. Ok...I'm sorry I had a opening and I had to take it. I won't pick on your team anymore. It's just to easy. Oh damnit...I did it again. Alright shutting up. :)

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 9:11 AM

    Hey, only one other team, in the entire history of American baseball, has won 116 games in a season.  The Cubs.  And look where that got them!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 9:26 AM

     LOL-Ya won too many. You needed to be like the 1999 Yankees and only win 114. 11 wins later they had 125 and a WS trophy!  :-)

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 10:09 AM

    Hey, only one other team, in the entire history of American baseball, has won 116 games in a season.

    Yeah. They did have a incredible regular season that year! Too bad they couldn't transfer the magic they had from the regular season to the playoffs.  They beat Clevland in the ALDS but lost to New York  in the ALCS 4-1. Oh well there is always next season. 9 years later they are still saying the same thing. But honestly....too bad they couldn't get past the Yankees that year. I was rooting for them.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 10:15 AM

    Here's a philosophical pre-game question for you Yoda:  In retrospect who would you rather have on the Phillies... Roy Halladay or Cliff Lee? ("Both" does not count as an answer)

    Didn't say it was an easy question.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 10:18 AM

    Oh, and yes, the M's fell flat in that final series against the Yanks.  Nobody on the team performed the way they had all year.  No excuse.

    In the same vein I think that if Texas gets in the WS then all of a sudden they will fall flat after such an amazing run.  And if SF can squeak by the Phils I predict they will be the Series champs.

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 3:50 PM


    Here's a philosophical pre-game question for you Yoda:  In retrospect who would you rather have on the Phillies... Roy Halladay or Cliff Lee? ("Both" does not count as an answer)

    Didn't say it was an easy question.

    Hmmmmmm. That is tough. Well if I'm going on a body of work that includes the regular season and the playoffs then thats easy. Roy Halladay. He pitched a perfect game against Florida. I know, I know. It was just the Marlins. But you got to remember something. They are in the NL East with us and they play us really hard because they know us.  And he threw only the second ever no-hitter in the playoffs and really it should of been a perfect game. Because one of the pitches he threw to the only guy he walked that game was called a ball and it was clearly a strike! But that's neither here nor there. So going on those two performances and add that he just doesn't walk anybody really I like the fact that if San Francisco wins this game it will be becuase they worked for it and they got timely hitting from their offense. It won't be because they got on base "cheaply", meaning they were walked, and ran the basepaths. Now, if I'm just going on postseason performance well then you would have to go with Cliff Lee. I don't quite remember his stats but if I'm not mistaken he is undefeated i postseason play. He is lights out. It's almost as if the other team conceides the game before it starts. So there is my answer. Halladay if you want to include the regular season and Lee if your just including the playoffs.

    I just thought of something. Could you imagine if Philly had Roy Halladay, Cliff Lee, Roy Oswalt, and Cole Hamels! World Series title here we come. :)

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 4:07 PM

    And if SF can squeak by the Phils I predict they will be the Series champs

    Yeah I got to agree. Although if that is going to be the World Series matchup then I'm rooting for Texas hardcore. 3 reasons why. Number 1.....Cliff Lee. As a Philly fan I greatly appreciate what he did for us last year. I know he didn't bring the title home, but how much more could he of done? Pitching every inning of every game obviously is not possible. I just would like to see him get his first title and turn down any offers he may get from any other ballclub with the exception of Philly, and stay in Texas. Number 2....Nolan Ryan. I am a big Nolan Ryan fan and I think he really deserves a World Series title for what he did down there in Texas. Number 3.....Two people actually. Josh Hamilton and Ron Washignton. I can kinda relate to what they went through with their  off field problems and am very glad to see they could both overcome that kind of adversity and get to where they are right now. Alot of people have no idea how hard it is to come back and succeed in life the way they did. I am very proud of both gentlemen and they deserve a shot at the title.