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MLB challenge. You could win GI-SD Vapor balls!

Mon, Apr 4 2011 11:46 PM (269 replies)
  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Mon, Sep 27 2010 5:37 PM

               Hey there folks. Yoda here. I would like to put forth a challenge. Now I'm a huge sports fan. I've been a baseball fan since I was 10 yrs old. (31 now) A Philadelphia Phillies fan to be more specific. And with the playoffs right around the corner I was just wondering first if anybody here is a baseball fan and if so who you think will be going to the World Series.

                So here is the challenge. Putting your favoritism aside tell me who you think will not only get to the World Series but who will win it. So tell me who is going for the  National League and who is going for the American League and lastly tell me who wins between those two. You don't have to tell me how many games are won by each team but you can if you want.

                 Now who could potentially win this challenge? That's you. Post your prediction here before the MLB playoffs begin. You can post right up until the minute before the first game begins. And if your a fan then you will know on what day and time that will be. It will be announced so keep your ears out. Anything posted after that minute will not be taken into consideration. For example.... if the first game is played on October 5th at 7:05 EST. you can post at 7:04 EST and it will be accepted. Anything after that will not be. No Exceptions!

                I will pick 2 winners. Since their are two leagues kinda makes sense. Now if your entry is correct I will take that and write it on a piece of paper and put it in my 2008 Philadelphia Phillies World Series Champions ball cap and without looking I will pick two names out. Now your just going to have to trust me I'm not going to be picking out people I know on here On Purpose. It would be purely coencidental. I don't even know that many people anyways. There would be no reason to. I just want to make these predictions fun. And I figured I would get more honest answers this way other than just telling me your favorite team is going to win. The 2 winners will recieve 1 sleeve of GI-SD vapor balls. Not sure what color I would give. Might leave that up to the people that win. Would be gifted to those indivduals within 1 day after the final game of the World Series. I will also announce the potential winners within 2 days after the first playoff game is played and I will announce the winners 1 day after the World Series. Now to be clear, if say......20 people pick correctly then I will put those 20 names into my hat and pull 2 names. And if nobody gets a 100% correct prediction then I will take the people that got at least 2 out of the possible 3 answers correct. And use those names. And so on and so forth. If nobody gets even one team correct then nobody wins and nobody will get any GI-SD vapor balls.So think about it do some research and again put your favoritism aside.

                     Edit (correction)- I was re-reading this post and I just realised something. I can't announce the potential winners till the World Series is set. I'm an idiot. So, I will announce the potential winners (meaning- if  your one of the ones that picked the 2 correct teams in the World Series) as soon as the World Series is set. Sorry about the confusion.

                      One more thing. Now I'm sure I don't have to mention this but, I'm going to anyways. And this is for the people that don't like to play fair, and I'm sure there aren't any on here right now. Don't bother trying to edit and change your prediction. I check this daily and record EVERY prediction on a piece of paper. You will lose any dispute in picks. So have fun and good luck to ya.

    Edit - I'm sorry but the deadline has now passed and no more picks will be counted. (October 6th 2010)

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Mon, Sep 27 2010 6:13 PM

                    Just for fun I thought I would post my prediction. Now as I stated I'm a Philadelphia Phillies fan. But leaving my favoritism aside I really do think my Phillies are going to the World Series. Roy Halladay, Cole Hamels, and Roy Oswalt. I wouldn't want to face those guys in a sereis. Then you got our bullpen. Its been "ok". Although as of late it has been pretty darn good. With Brad Lidge backing it up trying to get back to his old form from 2008. And then you got our offense. If we can manage to stay healthy thats a offense that can really light up the scoreboard. Although they are pretty streaky this year. Cincinnati could give us some problems if we even face them in the playoffs but I think our expirence will win out.

                      Now the American League. Its going to be either the New York Yankees or the Tampa Bay Rays. They are probably going to meet in the League Championship if not before and they are going to just beat each other up. Having said that I think the Yankees pitching will win out and it will be a repeat of the 2009 World Series with one exception. Phillies win.

                   So my prediction is : 2010 MLB World Series Philadelphia Phillies vs. New York Yankees. Phillies win in 6. (4gms. - 2gms)


  • onstrike
    2 Posts
    Mon, Sep 27 2010 6:44 PM

    Hello Yoda, I too am a baseball fan and I will be short and sweet and say from the National League the San Fransisco Giants and the American League the New york yankees and the World Series winner will be the New york Yankees 

  • spivey1964
    4 Posts
    Mon, Sep 27 2010 7:18 PM

    phillies and yankees with phillies winning the series

  • wandasrick
    3 Posts
    Mon, Sep 27 2010 7:23 PM

    Yoda, i will say the rays from the american league and the giants from the national league with the winner being the rays thx

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Mon, Sep 27 2010 8:23 PM

    It's  possible. I just don't think the Giants have the depth in their starting rotation to go deep in the playoffs. Tim Lincecum is all they really have. But you never know. Thats why they play the games. You have been recorded in my notes. Good luck to ya.

  • eivets
    433 Posts
    Mon, Sep 27 2010 8:56 PM

    Phil's over the Ray's in 6!

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 3:09 PM

                    So far so good. I've got 4 people recorded in my notes. And so far the pick for the team coming out of the NL. is a tie between the Philadelphia Phillies and the San Francisco Giants. And the American League is all tied up as well with the New York Yankees and the Tampa Bay Rays each getting two votes. So keep those predictions coming in and don't let any of the predictions already in influence you in any way. Good luck!

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 3:19 PM

    as a miserable Cub fan I need to be a homer, rays/reds, with the rays winning their first 

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 3:36 PM

            I'm sorry "gsoup". I'm sorry. But thanks for the prediction. Interesting though. The Reds and the Rays. It is possible. And I really think if there is one team that could give my Phillies some trouble it would be the Reds. And the Rays, jusy might be right. Good luck to ya. And lets keep those predictions coming in!