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More uneven lies options

Sat, Sep 20 2014 12:51 AM (30 replies)
  • MartyFlanagan
    2,488 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 6:15 PM

    WGT can we get more uneven lies options, like be able to play a ranked strokeplay, matchplay etc, make the lies button visible so we can change it from even to uneven and set it to even as the default so nobody starts an uneven lies game by mistake.

    also add a few extra free uneven lies tournaments for us to play if possible.


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 6:35 PM

    I tried everything up to begging. Can't for the life of me understand why we can't have these options.:(

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, May 16 2014 2:08 AM


    I am not sure if this will happen, but I'd be glad to add it to the list :)


  • MartyFlanagan
    2,488 Posts
    Fri, May 16 2014 2:30 AM

    thanks icon, im sure it wouldn't  be too difficult for the programmers to make the lies button visible so it can be changed to uneven, most people probably wouldn't notice if the lies button was available to be changed when setting up a strokeplay, matchplay etc

    hopefully you will put in a good word and try and make uneven lies available throughout all games on wgt.

    more options and tournaments on uneven lies can only be a good thing


  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Fri, May 16 2014 4:27 AM

    Played a few uneven lies lately, and found my self actually enjoying them. Makes you think a little more and think a little more course management.

  • MartyFlanagan
    2,488 Posts
    Fri, May 16 2014 5:58 PM


    Played a few uneven lies lately, and found my self actually enjoying them. Makes you think a little more and think a little more course management.

    thats what i like about it, the course managment, makes it more interesting

  • MammothCave
    471 Posts
    Fri, May 16 2014 9:21 PM

    I agree with Marty, it would be nice to have more options available for uneven lies.  It's certainly a challenging format and makes you use your head for something other than a hat rack! Thanks for any consideration.


  • Andivo
    841 Posts
    Fri, May 16 2014 11:21 PM


    WGT can we get more uneven lies options, like be able to play a ranked strokeplay, matchplay etc, make the lies button visible so we can change it from even to uneven and set it to even as the default so nobody starts an uneven lies game by mistake.

    also add a few extra free uneven lies tournaments for us to play if possible.


    Although I think that probably are not many players who play this type of game (but I think only for the laziness to train enough - I was one of those) I actually found instead, by practicing a little more, which is very beautiful and fun of the game without the difficulty of the terrain.
    So I share fully what is proposed by MartyFlanagan


    1,211 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 3:00 AM

    I am becoming a fan of uneven lies also.  I play the Ready-Go's, but would like to see the unevens in tiers so I am playing with members at my own level.

    I like what Marty F. has proposed.  Give us the option of even or uneven lies.  

  • MartyFlanagan
    2,488 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 6:32 PM

    the lies button is visible for matchplay and alt shot but not for strokeplay, come on WGT, if your going to do something do it right.

    please can you make the lies button visible for strokeplay, its a simple request

    it doesnt make much sense to make the button visible for matchplay and alt shot and keep it locked for strokeplay