I was booted on the first tee, trying to shoot a RG this morning. When I tried to access the game client again...it opened....but it opened a "generic" no functional game client screen. It didn't even have the log in box in the middle of the screen.
I reset everything, reinstalled all network drivers, cleared everything, ran quick scans...nothing. It still would not load my game client.
Sent WGT emails, and they are working it out. But just wanted to let you all know that it doesn't concern only those shooting multi rounds. It is also in single play rounds. I am out 500cr for the two ready gos that I didn't get to shoot because I couldn't get a working game client. I am confident that WGT will do the right thing and reimburse my lost credits, but the disconnection problem still remains.
I am very shaky now on entering any tournament for credits. I want to shoot RGs and try and win something...but not if I am only paying to never get to try.
I do sincerely hope that they get this sorted quickly. The OP is certainly right...It is Out of Hand already.