you can't seem to stop painting a target on yourself by complaining about one thing or another.
'Try running a club and see how you feel'
I DO run a club, successfully and it bothers me immensely when players join, then leave within minutes/hours etc but it happens coming to the forums and calling someone out aint gonna stop it.
fair play golf club? hardly... if you disagree with the owner! who then comes running to the public forums and calls you out and copy pastes PRIVATE messages.
All club owners have problems, its only natural when strong influences and strong characters all come together, there are disagreements ALL THE TIME, but i don't see many owners come running to the forums with their grievances.
I could fill this forum with stories like this but for what purpose? What is the purpose of your post at all if not to promote replies like mine and therefore getting into spats.
I see you've edited your original reply perhaps you hadn't realised i was a club owner too!
for the record.. its 'Trials and Tribulations'