So basically every time I load up a new unlimited tourney round, the game loads just fine, the ads play perfectly well, but missing from the screen is the menu bar at the top left.
It does not appear until the 1st hole is completed. Is this a game bug? Just been dealing with this for can't even remember how long, guess I'm tired of it and here I am to complain. I'm in the right place, right?
Whoops, a lag blip on my swing bar got me on my drive, didn't come close to "dinging" and now I've done hooked my ball into the deep rough. I guess I should just restart since I'm on hole 1..oh wait I can't since there's no menu bar to click Suppose I'll just have to punch it out of there and get up and down before restarting and watching another ad. There's another 3-4 hits on my not-free virtual ball.
The other option is you can X out of the game window, restart it by loading a new game window and "ending round" and going through the whole entry process again and watch another ad. While far more inconvenient than just playing out the hole, I suppose it's less costly to customers in terms of wasted ball-hits.
I offer a visual aid.