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Wed, May 28 2014 2:00 PM (10 replies)
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    69 Posts
    Thu, May 22 2014 10:04 PM

    can u fix the disconnect problem in multi player game? i was booted and within 10 seconds it told me the game was over, because i took to long to return.. really 10 seconds is to long????

    a lil help here PLZ




  • br1b3
    91 Posts
    Thu, May 22 2014 11:11 PM


    can u fix the disconnect problem in multi player game? i was booted and within 10 seconds it told me the game was over, because i took to long to return.. really 10 seconds is to long????

    a lil help here PLZ





    This has been a issue with multi player games for months.

    WGT and their player accounts,they use to try and cool down negative forum posts,will tell you its a user issue hence to not take blame and be accountable for.

    WGT has many,avatar accounts on here just look at product reviews in proshop and their accounts posting positive reviews on products so carelessly as where different avatars of theirs have posted the same review.(illegal) to do.

    Silencing of members when they speak out about the company on a negative note.

    I bet yesterdays gameplay was very good for everyone? A day of good play,after so many emails of issues hence a attempt to make members feel positive again about the issues.

    It is a issue in your coding text wgt it is where u should be looking,the game reacts to that text so change that text your problem will be solved on many levels and u wont be recieving non stop email complaints.

    Sounds like simple solution?? You would think so,just amazes me why this has never been thought of.




  • Longteddy
    38 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 3:40 AM

    could you please give more detailed info on how to fix (prevent) being booted all the time? I wrote wgt about this, and of course they said it was my fault. any help would be appreciated.

  • JarheadDuffer
    157 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 4:30 AM



    WGT and their player accounts,they use to try and cool down negative forum posts,will tell you its a user issue hence to not take blame and be accountable for.

    WGT has many,avatar accounts on here just look at product reviews in proshop and their accounts posting positive reviews on products so carelessly as where different avatars of theirs have posted the same review.(illegal) to do.

    Silencing of members when they speak out about the company on a negative note.


    Is your foil hat fitting a little tight??

  • cate55
    487 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 7:13 AM

    Several times this week , I'm waiting for the player to make his shot, time runs out and sits at zero so I go out and try to get back wgt is taking to long to reconnect and I time out. Sometimes I make the shot but the avatar freezes, been happening more the past week or so ?

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 8:28 AM

    I read about these problems in another post yesterday (Thurs 23 May)  

    Just tried my first game today, and after a defrag, disc clean. cache clear etc etc.

    Alt game was going ok, no apparent problems, we went to extra hole and my windows were slow turning...I said as to make sure no meter glitches on my shot... I came back....was stuck on window...then one player vanishes...I tried to reload again....not even game over, game gone and back to menu!

    I'm sending this to WGTdbloshoe and see what response I get.

  • flopperboy2
    753 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 4:25 PM

    hi can wgt help with this i was having a game with 2 players from the USA and after 5 holes i got shockwave and black  screen up and that was game over have had plugs update ??? need some help hear fb2

  • sittingguido
    7 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 5:37 PM

    Of Course It's Always Our Fault .. !!!!

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 5:53 PM


    Several times this week , I'm waiting for the player to make his shot, time runs out and sits at zero so I go out and try to get back wgt is taking to long to reconnect and I time out. Sometimes I make the shot but the avatar freezes, been happening more the past week or so ?

    Same thing happened to me this morning.

    Alt Shot game....  waiting for player to tee off....  clock runs down to Zero and stops.

    Still waiting wondering what the (you now what) is going on....  reload and come back in a minny... game over because I got timed out.

    Playing with a group of friends... and i started another game with one of em... he said, I dropped out and we were waiting in lobby.   

    On my end I didn't know I was stalled.

    One minute to watch the timer go to Zero....  30 seconds or so watching the timer sit at zero... thinking the screen will change    reload... just over a minute...

    There is your 3min timer gone down the tubes.

    Wgt had a 5min timer for us to get back.... because of people complaining of the time they have to sit in the lobby... Wgt changed that to3 mins.   

    I hope the people who suggested that are getting hit realy hard!!



  • davefuller1
    1,498 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 6:18 PM

    The same scenerio has happened to me the last 5 games i've played,,, never had this before,, what is being done about it??? I've been here for 3 years, pay $20 plus a week on balls and now can't finish a game,,,Tired of wasting money WGT,, Getting really old!!! Dave

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