can u fix the disconnect problem in multi player game? i was booted and within 10 seconds it told me the game was over, because i took to long to return.. really 10 seconds is to long????
a lil help here PLZ
This has been a issue with multi player games for months.
WGT and their player accounts,they use to try and cool down negative forum posts,will tell you its a user issue hence to not take blame and be accountable for.
WGT has many,avatar accounts on here just look at product reviews in proshop and their accounts posting positive reviews on products so carelessly as where different avatars of theirs have posted the same review.(illegal) to do.
Silencing of members when they speak out about the company on a negative note.
I bet yesterdays gameplay was very good for everyone? A day of good play,after so many emails of issues hence a attempt to make members feel positive again about the issues.
It is a issue in your coding text wgt it is where u should be looking,the game reacts to that text so change that text your problem will be solved on many levels and u wont be recieving non stop email complaints.
Sounds like simple solution?? You would think so,just amazes me why this has never been thought of.