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is there anyone left that don't quit

Tue, Oct 12 2010 1:13 AM (179 replies)
  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Fri, Oct 8 2010 12:41 PM

    Not really, Dave. You're jumping to conclusions. Only a few weeks ago, WGTSky said WGT planned to address the quitters issue more aggressively in the near future. All we can do is provide WGT with our suggestions on how to address the issue.

  • isolater
    426 Posts
    Fri, Oct 8 2010 12:50 PM

    Not really, Dave. You're jumping to conclusions. Only a few weeks ago, WGTSky said WGT planned to address the quitters issue more aggressively in the near future. All we can do is provide WGT with our suggestions on how to address the issue.


    i've looked all through  the forums  either  i'm blind   ,missed it  or it doesn't exist  a thread  posted by WGT  ADMIN.  for suggestions on how to deal  with  the issue of  quitters  if there  was  i would never have created this thread   and put  my suggestions  on how to deal  with the issues   on it

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Fri, Oct 8 2010 12:56 PM

    The forums are in a mess, everyone can see that. There should only ever be ONE thread dealing with a recurring issue such as the quitters. Instead, there are dozens of simultaneous threads in any and all forum subsections, all talking about the same thing. That's why you can't really find anything in these forums easily, Dave.

    Your own thread right here, should not be in the And Everything Else section (which was meant for off-topic discussions, unrelated to WGT's golf game), but in the WGT Beta section. But will a moderator move it there? No, sir, there's just not enough staff to perform those types of everyday forum management tasks on

    What WGTSky said regarding the quitters a few weeks ago wasn't in a separate quitters thread but in a more general thread outlining WGT's plans for the near future. Perhaps someone can help us locate that thread and WGTSky's statement on quitters in it.

  • isolater
    426 Posts
    Fri, Oct 8 2010 1:30 PM

    What WGTSky said regarding the quitters a few weeks ago wasn't in a separate quitters thread but in a more general thread outlining WGT's plans for the near future. Perhaps someone can help us locate that thread and WGTSky's statement on quitters in it.


    now that would be great if we could  find that thread  and  continue this discussion  there where maybe a WGT ADMIN  might even see  some of our suggestions  instead of  just running around in circles  here

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Fri, Oct 8 2010 1:43 PM

    Here are Sky's comments about quitters:

    Sandbagging and Quitting are two hot topics that we want to address in a measured fashion, as we have done in the past, to avoid creating systems that could negatively affect people who are playing fairly. Soon we will introduce a new algorithm, by which quitting games and purposely scoring high will no longer impact your Tier. This is not a silver bullet meant to fully eliminate sandbagging...rather, it will be part of our ongoing progress to reduce the issue.

    I don't see a mention of anything about being more aggressive, or having any urgency towards a solution. It appears as though they are simply re-configuring the already in-place tier advancement algorithm.

  • isolater
    426 Posts
    Fri, Oct 8 2010 1:50 PM

    Sandbagging and Quitting are two hot topics that we want to address in a measured fashion, as we have done in the past, to avoid creating systems that could negatively affect people who are playing fairly. Soon we will introduce a new algorithm, by which quitting games and purposely scoring high will no longer impact your Tier. This is not a silver bullet meant to fully eliminate sandbagging...rather, it will be part of our ongoing progress to reduce the issue.

    nothing  there mentions anything about stopping the quitting

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Fri, Oct 8 2010 1:55 PM

    you are absolutely correct, and WGT was very clear after the latest release, that it was not intended to address either issue.

    And while it would be a great idea to have threads merged and more consistent, it is even more important for WGT to show an interest in these opinions, they rarely do. If they were more active in these threads, they would more clearly see the need to manage them properly.

    I can't recall a single thread or post EVER being moved; only deleted or locked. It begs the question as to whether they even have that functionality built into this venue. Doesn't do much good to make this point over and over and over if they don't even have the option....

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Fri, Oct 8 2010 2:18 PM

    So whatever happened to WGTNiv?  He was very active in moderating this forum.  Did he quit?  Was he fired?  Did he fall in a lake on his home course?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Oct 8 2010 2:32 PM

    So whatever happened to WGTNiv? 

    He went corporate-WGT hired him.

    They said something about making him respectable..  :-D

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Oct 8 2010 6:32 PM

    When IN GAME, there are two option, 1) End Round and 2) Save & Quit....(pic deleted).......It is here where I would like to see the 'End Round' option removed, and the 'Save & Quit left intact. .......

    If the 'End Round' option prevented them from quitting and not posting that score, they are left no option but to use the save game feature, or close the browser window. In any case, the next time they launch the game client, they are greeted with this:

    There are two End Round/Main menu items you would delete.  One in the  IN GAME menu and one in the GAME LAUNCH menu after using the Red X or Save & Quit options to exit a ranked multi-player stroke play round.  You should update your proposal to clarify these changes.

    Your clarification on using the Save & Quit option took care of my issue of gracefully exiting a ranked round to take a phone call or eat dinner.

    However,danohi50 brought up a valid case when you inadvertently get into a ranked round because of user error.  You're supposed to leave your buddies waiting while you are forced to complete the solo round? Too harsh removing the end game option.

    In addition, your proposal does nothing to prevent quitting in multi-player practice rounds.  As stated, people do quit mp practice rounds for many reasons, score/average manipulation is not one of them I agree, and many, many mp practice rounds are played daily.  Any solution to quitting must address practice mp rounds.

    Finally, your proposal and Faterson's for that matter do nothing to curtail posting posting artificially high scores by a sandbagger in a multi-player ranked round. (A player could reach the last green, save & quit, then proceed to 8 putt the last green in private.)  Faterson's proposal is not intended to curtail score manipulation, but yours is.

    Ooops one other point, your proposal ends all unlimited tournaments as well, no?  I'd hate to see those disappear.  And as a Legend I have no need to manipulate my average to avoid moving up in tiers.

    Faterson's proposal has the advantage of working in ranked and practice mode as well as the obvious advantage of allowing players to decide if they want to get into a game with a player showing a low reputation for completing mp games.

    The solution to score/tier manipulation lies in how averages are computed and how promotions to the next tier are made.  I believe WGT is working in that direction.