YES, my dear sweet Sha-ree, I could have told you all that if you would have asked ME. I have been dealing with "credits unpaid" for ages now. This has been going on for a long and previous months...since the videos producers has been changed to a new company...the views hasn't been paying out as they should. Sometimes you have to watch a video two or three times before it will pay off. Other times you get nothing. And contacting the credit department about a waste of time. Why? Because all of these video ads are from third parties...and WGT tells you in print, they aren't responsible for any actions of those parties. So...until WGT changes ad companies...same with surveys...again...we will just have to deal with what we have.......little...or no payout...after watching dozens of videos...or none at all that never comes on to show.
SORRY sweet SHA-REE....just live with it WGT cares they rake in big fees these companies are paying WGT to show their ads. Bottom line is:::::Money talks!
And notice that the ads has increased 10 fold...and gotten longer and longer in the past few months. Each it loads...shows long-winded ads (videos) that slows the loading procedure down to a craw...and causes lots of players to give up and exit in disgust. The actual games that gets played to completion has now dwingled to less than half completed a year ago. That's a big loss in revenue for WGT...less balls and clubs sold...but...apparently...Wgt dosn't mind. It's more than making it up in fees from all those added video ads.
My My My!!!!........Mercy Me!!!! Excuse me...have to go now....tons of video ads to watch to earn what few credits they...may or may out. He he he he!!
Thanks to all...and to all...happy credit earning!!!
@@@ ROXIE @@@