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Pin Hunters Golf Club

rated by 0 users
Fri, May 30 2014 7:26 AM (0 replies)
  • garypinhunter
    1,049 Posts
    Fri, May 30 2014 7:26 AM

    We have been here for one month now. The members range from Amateur to Master.  With one Legend. The Legend member, super guy just sponsored a 10 dollar credit Tournament, along with some free sleeves of balls tournaments.

    We are always running 4-5 tournys and a few pay tournys. Our Golf Tip Website  is being used by a lot of WGT players.

    Many members who started in April as Pro's are now playing some great golf.  Great job fellows.

    We have two openings as of now.  We accept any who love the game.

    Having a blast.



    PS. Not that I am any good, but any club feel free to post a link to our Golff Tip Website in your club fourms